It looks like crazy season in Oklahoma is officially upon us!
Here in a few weeks, the 55th Oklahoma Legislature will meet for its annual legislative session. It's that nutty time of the year where our elected officials think of new, usually unconstitutional ways to cut education funding, give tax breaks to the rich, protect their donors in the energy industry, and discriminate against people who don't follow their stodgy, missionary position moral code.
Speaking of the missionary position, State Senator Josh Brecheen (pictured above with his wife) has decided to get a head start on his comrades in the 2016 race for "Derplahoman of the Year." He recently introduced SB 973. As a fan of irony, he dubbed it the "Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act." The bill, if passed and signed into law by Governor Fallin, would essentially...
- Prohibit any state employee from issuing a same-sex marriage license...
- Require the courts to dismiss any challenge to the law...
- Remove judges from office who rule against the law...
- Be fully effective against any contrary federal court ruling...
See what I mean? I told you crazy season is upon us!
Since I'm a simpleton who doesn't understand how a law that prevents marriage can help preserve marriage, or how Oklahoma can legally choose to ignore US Supreme Court decisions that protect an individual's right to marry, I asked Ryan Kiesel, our old pal with the ACLU, what he thought of the proposed legislation. This was his statement:
"This dispels the rumor that Sen. Brecheen took a Constitutional Law class during the legislative interim."
Yep, that's what he told me. You know a law is going to hold up well in the courts when even the ACLU struggles to take it seriously.
Anyway, you can view a PDF of the bill here. It will be interesting to see how it advances. If I was one of the seven or eight Democrats in the Oklahoma legislature, I would try to attach some ridiculous amendments to the bill that helps further "preserve" marriage like banning divorce and/or making adultery a crime. I'd also come up with some ideas to protect and advance Oklahoma's sovereignty, like not allowing federal government employees to live in our state and going to war with the Indian Nations. Actually, getting someone to introduce amendments like that is probably a bad idea. They'd easily pass.