Over the weekend, Dan Boren – son of David Boren, professional creepy smiler, and former Oklahoma US Congressman – announced he is considering a run for Oklahoma Governor in 2018.
From KOCO via The AP:
Dan Boren, a former Democratic congressman from one of Oklahoma's most distinguished political families, says he's actively exploring a run for Oklahoma's open governor seat in 2018.
"I am taking all of the necessary steps to become a candidate for governor and I will make a final decision at the end of this year," Boren said in an interview Friday. "I began taking some of those steps late last year by visiting with business leaders, community leaders, civic leaders, also legislative leaders."...
"I'm approaching this race, not based on whether or not other people in the race or whatever the political winds are, this is whether or not it's the right thing to do and also whether I could successfully govern," Boren said. "Obviously we have a one-party state right now, and I think it's important in the future that we look at having a balanced, bipartisan approach to government."
If Dan Boren ends up being the Democratic Nominee for governor in Oklahoma the state party should just disband and give up all hope, which is something they probably should have done a few years ago anyway. The guy has more in common with Mary Fallin than any IRL Democrat that I know. For example...
• He's a crony for the energy industry. In 2011, The New York Times profiled Boren's connections to, and profits from, the energy industry, calling him "one of [the industry's] best friends on Capitol Hill." Is that the type of guy we want leading our state during a funding crisis and Earthquake epidemic? Probably not.
• He's an NRA boardmember. I don't have a problem with guns. I own a couple. I do, however, have a problem with a vile organization that spreads lies, holds rallies in communities reeling from gun violence, and lobbies against rational gun control measures that are supported by 90% of Americans. He should be ashamed to be on the board for that group.
• He's Anti-Gay Rights. He voted against the Matthew Shepard Act and was also against Obama's repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." How can you be a Democrat and opposed to equality for all people?
• He voted against Obamacare. I hate Obamacare. I think it should be renamed that Health Insurance Profiteering Act. Unfortunately, Boren's vote against the measure likely has nothing to do with a disagreement in policy. It was all about politics. He knew that he was going to run for public office again someday, and voting "Yes" for legislation that gives more people access to healthcare is career suicide in Oklahoma.
I know Oklahoma is the one of the most conservative states in the country and a leading member of the Backwoods Belt, but how can someone even consider running as a Democrat with a track record like that? Even in state like this it would be a total joke.
Apparently I'm not the only who thinks that way. Even Dan Boren's own dad think this is a bad idea. Check out this statement he issued:
“I learned from media reports today that Dan Boren is considering a race for governor in 2018. I will advise against it,” David Boren said. “In my opinion, it is not a good idea. I have had a policy of never endorsing or campaigning for any candidate for governor (because it may jeopardize my lucrative position as a board member for Continental Resources). I will continue that policy regardless of who the candidates may be.”
Okay, I may have added a section to the quote, but that's still brutal. David Boren won't even endorse his own son for Governor. Not only is the lack of a parental support shocking (and telling), but he's basically provided a goldmine of material to creators of snarky memes and negative attack ads.
For example:

When David Boren gets a box of shit in the mail for Father's Day, I think he'll know who it came from.