Being a self-employed obscure local social blogger who mocks, satirizes and takes on our city's establishment, politicians, media, corporate base, regular old crazies and weathermen isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, the women, cars, drugs and money are nice, but the job also requires long hours, little sleep, and the ability (or inability) to handle rejection, like for example, losing one of your long time advertisers so they can afford to book Sports Animal radio remotes instead.
As a result, I've decided to give up the blogger lifestyle and get a day job again. Last week, I accepted a position in the KFOR Creative Services Department. Today was my first day on the job. Why blog at home for free when I can do it on another company's time and get paid, right?
Here's a screenshot of my first project:

Yep, show your Chrstimas spirit by supporting Sunbeam Familiy Services. Check out more by visiting their website at AVeryGivingChrstimas.com. It all benefits a good cause, and is a great way to support families in need during the holidays.
Anyway, right as I was finishing up this post, I received an email from my new boss Promo Joe. He wants me to meet with him and HR at 3:00pm. He asked that I bring my employee ID, cubicle key and the new collage I just made of Emily Sutton. They probably want to tell me what a wonderful job I'm doing. It feels good to be loved.
h/t Oklahoma Reddit