I never thought this would be possible, but Lord England has grown more powerful.
Apparently not content with only being able to control the temperature on the outside, it was announced this week that his Severe Weather Holiness, King of the Twisters and the First Men, and Sworn Protector of the NWS Norman Doppler Realm, Lord Gary England, will be a spokesperson for Air Comfort Solutions.
Via an Air Comfort Solutions Press Release:
Air Comfort Solutions, the number one provider of air conditioning services in the state of Oklahoma, announces its partnership with Oklahoma legend, Gary England. England is the winner of three Emmys and the Silver Circle Award by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Heartland Division. Air Comfort Solutions, known for providing quality heating, plumbing and air conditioning to its loyal customers, identified England as someone who truly celebrates Oklahoma standards and values. This is England’s first sponsorship to a brand.
“We are so pleased that Oklahoma icon Gary England has decided to represent Air Comfort Solutions as a spokesperson,” said Ron Gregory, CEO of Air Comfort Solutions. “Gary embodies the values and work ethic that, we at Air Comfort Solutions, champion. We can’t wait to include him in our company's exciting new direction.”
Wow. Usually when a TV weatherman retires, the only work they can find is being a spokesperson for a car dealership. Lord England's opened up a whole new market. I guess he's always been a rule breaker and trendsetter. When you see Mike Morgan dressed like a penguin (ironically) singing "Often Imitated... Never Duplicated" on TV in 10 years, remember who first blazed that path.
Anyway, the obvious question here is what happened to Jason White. Is the former Heisman winner stepping down? Did he re-injure his knee? Is he getting into plumbing?
Here's the answer:
Fans of England will get their first glimpse at the partnership with the fall 2015 integrated marketing campaign, which will appear in the form of television commercials and radio advertisements. This will be the largest advertising campaign for Air Comfort Solutions since its beginning and will also include Air Comfort Solutions Vice President of Sales and the University of Oklahoma football legend, Jason White.
“Gary will partner with Jason in our advertising campaign,” said Gregory. “We're thrilled that two Oklahoma legends can come together to represent a company that they both support and value.”
Okay, so Jason White isn't going anywhere. That's good. I just hope that he and Gary are not in the same commercials, because at this point in time it's really hard to tell which one was the former college quarterback! Seriously, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's let myself go over the past 10 years. Watch this sad blooper reel where Jason tries to catch a football:
So we what I mean? That guy won a Heisman trophy. WTF? He looks more scared of a football than Landry Jones and Trevor Knight combined! At the end of the spot, I halfway expected Jason White to overthrow Kejuan Jones for National Championship clinching touchdown in the end zone.
Okay... Okay... I'm just messing around. I'm still a Jason White fanboy. I'd say he's the best OU QB from the Bob Stoops era. He overcame multiple knee injuries and Chuck Long as an offensive coordinator to win a Heisman trophy. He also quarterback two teams to BCS championship games. He was awesome. Plus, I want a piece of that Air Comfort Solutions marketing pie! It's the largest advertising campaign in the company's history. Wouldn't an ad with Lord England's mug on it look great on this site? We are his most loyal minions and the first ones who accurately dubbed him a weather God. As his church, we deserve a tithing.