Well, I guess we know why Aaron Tuttle no longer works for Channel 5.
Over the weekend, I received an anonymous email from an Ogle Mole containing alleged audio of diabolical Facebook weatherman Aaron Tuttle going hail storm-ballistic on a coworker from way back when he was the morning meteorologist for KOCO Channel 5.
According to the Mole, the audio was inadvertently recorded by an Oklahoma City morning radio crew in the mid-2000s as Tuttle waited on the line to give the day's weather forecast. Unaware he was being recorded, you can hear Tuttle (or at least the world's greatest AT impersonator) scream, yell and toss profane language at KOCO coworkers about the direction of a news segment. The audio clip, which lasts about 30 seconds, concludes with Tuttle complaining about a coworker's chaps.
Seriously, I'm not making this shit up. Check it out:
Hmmn. Maybe instead of asking people on Facebook to donate to his weather app, AT should request money to attend anger management therapy.
Seriously, what a nut. I know TV news can be a volatile, high-strung, stressful field, but that's borderline insane. How can anyone get away with saying stuff like to a coworker? It's crazier than making up a B.S. weather forecast suggesting F5 tornadoes are going to hit the Oklahoma City metro.
The most cringe-worthy moment of the clip occurs at around the five-second mark when Aaron screams "Shut the fuck up. I'm not even talking to you!" to a female colleague. That's a dick move for such a holier-than-thou, classy guy like Tuttle. I'm sure his legions of female fans, followers and copyright attorneys who specialize in copyright law will love that.
Speaking of his fans and followers, I wonder what they'll think of this. Call me crazy, but I don't want a short-tempered, whiny brat giving me life or death weather forecasts. I want someone calm and collected like David Payne...errr... I mean Mike Morgan.. or...uhm... let's just disregard that thought.
Anyway, I guess there is a .001% chance this isn't Tuttle and it's all a big ruse, but I think it's him. If you want, take a listen to his old KOCO demo reel or his knee surgery updates. The voices are virtually identical. Plus, Aaron looks like a guy that has a thing for Harleys and chaps. It has to be him.
P.s. - Kudos to the unknown KOCO staffer who told Aaron to "Suck My Dick." I'm sure a lot of people have wanted to say that to AT over the years.