Hipster Boo Boo seems to be doing okay...
After opening her art gallery, Eye Roll, earlier this year, the governor's daughter has been hard at work traveling the world with her parents' money in search of the latest and greatest fashion trends and international art exhibits to inspire Oklahoma hipsters.
Along the way, she's also found time to work on her stalled reality show career. She recently met Donald Trump while tagging along with her mom to a GOP fundraiser. If you want to see what happens when two people with no self-awareness meet, check it out:
Yep, that really happened. Donald Trump called our governor "Mary." Does the guy not have any respect? What an asshole. Also, I wonder if Christina asked to try on his hairpiece for a quick pic. She does love beautiful things.
Anyway, Christina and, uhm, Mary met The Donald at a Koch brothers' fundraiser in Palm Springs for the Republican Governors Association.
One of the next stops on the 2016 trail: David Koch’s 30,050-square-foot Palm Beach mansion.
A group of White House hopefuls, including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, are scheduled to make a pilgrimage to the oceanfront estate of the billionaire industrialist on Sunday afternoon.
The occasion is a lunchtime fundraiser for the Republican Governors Association, of which Koch is a major supporter. The event will also give presidential aspirants face-time with some of the party’s most influential and generous contributors...
Some of those donors are scheduled be in attendance -- including real estate magnate Donald Trump, who recently announced his own presidential exploratory bid, and his wife.
Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, another longshot 2016 possibility, will also be there, along with Govs. Bill Haslam of Tennessee, Susana Martinez of New Mexico, Rick Scott of Florida, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Mary Fallin of Oklahoma.
“Republicans had tremendous success in the 2014 gubernatorial elections thanks to the strong leadership and fundraising by our GOP governors,” RGA spokesman Jon Thompson said in a statement. “The RGA is focused on continuing that momentum by ensuring we have the resources to strengthen our majority so more states can experience the successful reform and results Republican governors are achieving across the country.”
That's cool. As Oklahoma faces a $600-million budget crunch, a slowing economy, and who knows what else, it's nice to know that our Governor is trying to advance her political career by hobnobbing with our oligarchy overlords in sunny Palm Springs. Seriously, that's great. Keep her away from us and out of the state. She does less harm when out on the road. Now if only we can find a way to get our legislature to join her.
After her trip to Palm Springs that was probably paid for by us, the Oklahoma taxpayer, Hipster Boo Boo and her skinny-jean wearing boyfriend / bandmate Steven Battles flew to Dubai for the something called Meet d3. It's a "free" community event:
"Meet d3" is a free three-day community event open to the public, celebrating all things design. The event will take place on the 2, 3, 4 April and will feature a compelling program of art and design showcases, from both local and international artists and designers; unique retail experiences, food and beverage outlets, and a dynamic line-up of musical entertainment showcasing some of the best musicians from the Middle East and beyond. All of this will be encompassed at the site of the Dubai Design District, and will aim to give the public a first taste of all the excitement to expect from d3 in the future."
Note to self: Check Internet for free blogging conference in Dubai that doubles as front for lavish tax deductible vacation. Also, find new rich parents.
Here are a few pics from the vacation... errrr.. conference:

Listen, it's easy to roll your eyes and get mad when a trust fund hipster flaunts their privileged life, but let's try and be better than that. Remember, she has no self-awareness and lives in her own little bubble. She's not aware how ridiculous this looks. Plus, maybe she'll like Dubai so much she just moves there. When her Mom is done jockeying for cabinet positions in a Republican presidential administration, perhaps she'll join her.