Pour a little Riesling out for your homegirl...
We have learned via the Ogle Mole Network that KFOR Channel 4 has parted ways with long-time news anchor, reporter and TLO regular Meg Alexander. The move went down yesterday afternoon when, according to sources, KFOR management simply called Meg into the office and told her "they no longer need her services."
Although some have said the decision has been "a long time coming," this is surprising news. Meg was a KFOR institution. The Gary Kubiak to Linda Cavanaugh, she had been with KFOR for nearly 18-years, helping the local NBC-affiliate grow from one of the most annoying TV stations in Oklahoma City to THE most annoying TV station in Oklahoma City.
Here's an email that KFOR News Director Carlton Houston sent to the station's staff addressing the news:

I just don't know what to think about this. What are we going to do without the hairstyles, the clothes and the slurry over-enunciation of basic words? Who will Emily Sutton and Scott Hines turn to when they need to cry about things? Who will Linda Cavanaugh send out to fetch her Starbucks? These are important questions that must be answered!
Speaking of questions, I guess KFOR made the call because management, staff and some viewers were growing tired of Meg's loopy, intense, lost-in-space style and demeanor. Basically, they got rid of Meg Alexander for being Meg Alexander. That sucks, because I always thought that was part of Meg's charm. It's what made her more fun to watch than Robin Marsh. She anchored the news like an Edmond housewife who had one too many Bud Light Limes at happy hour. You never know what you might see, and even more importantly, hear.
Hopefully Meg – who was just named Mom of the Year – lands on her feet and gets another job in the media, or goes the route of the fallen TV news personalities before her and scored a communications gig with a state agency. I think she'd be great in that role. Whatever she does, let's hope it doesn't involve being a spy...