Get out your sunglass. You're about to feel like you live in the coolest city in America.
Well, at least the coolest city for cool people who think they're cool... and like to row... and climb rocks... and build violins.
Earlier this week, Seamus Payne of some website called TheCoolist.com released a 30-minute documentary about our little hamlet on the plains. It's called, "Oklahoma City Documentary: Uncovering a Hidden Gem of American Cool," and it may just be the coolest documentary ever made about Oklahoma City that's sponsored by SmartWater.
Yeah, I guess I should warn you about that. I asked around, and apparently this is the pilot for a potential SmartWater native advertising campaign where they send some Ryan Seacrest wannabe named Seamus to do cool things in cool cities because that's what guys named Seamus do when they work for a cool company named SmartWater.
Check it out:
Holy shit. That was awesome. Seamus made Oklahoma City look cooler than the other side of the pillow's other side of the pillow.
That being said, how could you make a documentary about the coolest things Oklahoma City has to offer and not mention this guy:

AYYYYYE, it's Fogzie! Remember, don't pour your grease down the drain, kids, because that's not cool!
Outside of Fogzie's omission, here are some random observations:
• I couldn't tell if I was watching a movie or fancy advertorial. Hey, I love it when people kiss our city's ass, but let's all admit that was a bit over the top and ridiculous. I halfway expected to see Chamber President Roy Williams holding up cue cards. If the whole documentary filmmaker thing doesn't work out for Seamus, he could probably get a pretty good job making infomercials for The Key.
• The interviews were kind of awkward and uncomfortable. They were like watching two virgins go out on a first date. Drink some SmartWater and edit them next time.
• I'm not too sure about old Seamus. We get it. You're cool. But don't be too cool. If only we could merge him with the New York Time's Sam Anderson, we'd have a Super Oklahoma City Ambassador. We could name him Samus Anderpayne.
Of course, don't get me wrong. I really like the video and how Seamus totally went down on our city. No lie, it almost felt like prostitution. I'm surprised the Video Vigilante didn't track Seamus down while he was climbing the rock wall, video him with his own fancy camera and yell "You're busted, buddy!" Speaking of that, where was the Video Vigilante in all this? Isn't filming John's with street hookers cool?