The three men pictured above are the founding members of the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia. If they look kind of scary, don't worry. They're actually going to be the ones who protect us from the evil Federal Government when it decides to invade Oklahoma. Comforting, huh?
We know this thanks to KFOR Channel 4. They sat down with the militia men to get their thoughts on the Cliven Bundy controversy. In case you're not familiar, Cliven Bundy, like most men named Cliven, is an insane right-wing extremist from Nevada who owes the government nearly $1,000,000 for allowing his cattle to graze illegally on public lands. The government tried to round-up his cattle and, well, a mini-militia convention ensued.
Here's what the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia thought about it:
Normally, this is the part of the post where I make fun of the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia. I'm not going to do this today because:
1. Thanks to them, Jim Inhofe and I actually agree on something. I've lived in this state my entire life and I don't think that's ever happened. I actually feel involved in the democratic process.
2. I'm kind of glad the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia and their members are here to protect us (and other ranchers who want to use public lands for free) from the over-reaching arms of a federal government that has access to drones, bombs and nuclear weapons. We have to keep our FBI and ATF agents busy monitoring somebody, right? I'd rather it be them than me.
Seriously, check out the Oklahoma Volunteer Militia Facebook page. It makes Little Mike's look like Occupy Wall Street. Remember, these people want to protect us from the federal government. It's kind of scary:






