Remember a few weeks ago when we wrote about the owner of The Key building the country's largest castle / home in Edmond?
We've received a couple of emails from Ogle Moles theorizing what it's all about.
Email 1:
Here's what the Castle is, in all likelihood, about. Oklahoma's homestead exemption outside city limits is 160 acres, regardless of value. If you have creditor problems, or contingent liabilities of magnitude that have a distinct possibility of morphing into fixed liabilities of magnitude, and you want to shield your assets from liability, that is, place your assets beyond the reach of your creditors, then a good place to park those assets is in a homestead. It's called bankruptcy planning, and it's legal. After you discharge your debts in Chapter 7, you sell the home, maybe for less than you paid, but your still well ahead.
Wouldn't that be awesome, the guy who offers customer classes on fiscal responsibility dumping all his money into a castle so others can't take it. BRILLIANT! That's like getting one of those Nigerian Prince scam emails from Dave Ramsey.
Of course, the bankruptcy theory is just speculation, Guy From The Key's Legal Team. We really don't think that will happen. The Key is probably a very successful business.
The second email was a little less serious, but still reasonable.
Email 2:
I've got great concerns when I see goings on like this that there are always hidden motives. You don't suppose they will build this thing.....hang someone with a bad note, and sell it out only to convert it into a mosque.
I suppose with all the LifeChurch.tv campuses, a castle/mosque wouldn't be out-of-place. But when I think of mosques, I don't think of castles. I'm thinking if it's going to become a religious place, it will probably become a Church of Scientology or Latter-Day Saints. And by looking at the design, it does look like an old European church. It would be nice to have a church that looks like a castle instead of some crappy church that just moved into an abandoned Wal-Mart.
We also got an email from this asshole:
Hey Lost Ogle, I think that dude from The Key is building a castle because he wants to hunt the most dangerous game of all... man. I'm sure for the right price the authorities in Edmond would look the other way. Then, over time it will become haunted and Oklahoma will have a sweet ass haunted castle!
This wouldn't surprise me. I mean, he does allow customers to beat the shit out of an old car with a sledge-hammer. If you're ever behind on your car payments to The Key and get an invitation to his castle, wear camo or be a witch.
Anyway, if you have any legitimate or absurd theories, share them in the comments. Here are some more legitimate ones:
1. He's building a castle because his dad never let him play "fort" while growing up, and instead made him play "used car dealer."
2. The castle was only $99 down.
3. It's Castle Month, and David got a really good deal on it because the builder is trying to reach his quota.
4. He needed a way to be at home, but never see his family.
5. Bigger is better - always!