One of the most popular TLO posts every year is Patrick's countdown of the Top 20 Hottest Women in the OKC Media. It's easy to understand why it's so popular. Who doesn't like to look at pretty ladies? Also, it gives all of us a chance to tell him how wrong he is.
But here in the summer, I can't help but think that we're focusing too much on the hottest women in the media. The question everyone really wants to know is this: who are the Top 10 Coldest Women in the OKC Media? I've done the research and come up with the answers. You can find them after the jump.
10. Ali Meyer

Ali Meyer is great, except for the fact that she made some of her world-famous guacamole and gave it to Marisa instead of me. But beyond just being cool, Ali Meyer is also really cold. Just look at this picture! Brrrrrr! At least she still looks super-fashionable.
9. Lisa Monahan

Lisa Monahan is inside, but still cold! Maybe they can't afford to pay for heat at Channel 9, I don't know. At least the comforting gaze of Cardboard John Wayne is there to keep her company.
8. Brianna Bailey

You know, I'm not sure if The Oklahoman's kick-ass reporter Brianna Bailey is actually cold in this picture or not, but it was too great not to use. It's possible she might be cold. She's got long sleeves on anyway. I don't know. But what is she doing in a men's restroom?
7. Michelle Apon

Hey, Michelle Apon is great, but put a coat on lady! That's just irresponsible.
6. Naveen Dhaliwal

One of my favorite nights of the year is the first snow/ice storm. Because they always have some poor sap of a reporter all bundled up and standing next to the road pointing at the ground saying "There is snow on the ground" as if we couldn't all just look out our window and see it. I've always felt bad for those reporters. But Naveen Dhaliwal makes it work. What a trooper!
5. Katy Blakey

Katy Blakey is the worst kind of cold: the kind of cold in which you are so cold that you actually become blurry.
4. Ashley Kringen

Ashley Kringen is new to the market, so we don't know how she'll do in our winters. But she comes from South Dakota, so she can probably handle whatever we throw at her. In any case, I wouldn't put her quite so high except that I follow her on Twitter and it seems like she doesn't do anything except work out so I know she can kick my ass.
3. Joleen Chaney

Gotta give it up to Jojo for being able to still look great despite the cold weather and the tragic news that Hillsdale Free Will Baptist Church will not be having their service on Friday.
2. Kim Passoth

Kim Passoth is my hero for being able to put up with what appear to be absolutely miserable conditions and also having to spend her day in El Reno. She looks like she would rather be anywhere else, but she's fighting through it. Way to go, Kim Passoth!
1. Emily Sutton

Could there be any doubt? In her short time here, Emily Sutton has charmed the people of Oklahoma City for only one reason: her unstoppable and unparalleled ability to bundle up into many layers of clothes and stand in the snow.
I am happy to announce that Emily Sutton is the #1 Coldest Woman in the OKC Media. Congrats Emily!
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