It's been the summer of reality stars for Oklahoma. Over the past month, we've learned that:
• News 9's Adrianna Iwasinski will appear on the new ABC primetime reality show "Whodunnit?" This would be cool if we didn't have to watch the show or try to memorize the spelling of her last name.
• Oklahoma City is the world headquarters for illegal high velocity street racing. We provided a little review of the show yesterday. It was written by our extreme street blogger "Paw Huska."
• Two brothers from Muskogee would win America's heart on The Voice. Sorry, couldn't resist the urge to write like a sad NBC copywriter. Imagine how shitty that job would be.
Now there is another Okie searching for 15 minutes of celebutant fame. Her name is Abbey Wilson. This isn't her first brush with reality show "stardom." The 2007 Edmond North graduate has been involved with classy Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis dating back to 2009 when she was caught in the middle of that bizarre cat fight between Francis and some playmate. Between then and now the couple has reconciled, Wilson was named the 2012 Hottest Girl in America by Francis' company, and they are featured in the second season of VH1's Couples Therapy.
Here's the write-up from VH1:
Joe Francis is the founder of the wildly successful and controversial Girls Gone Wild brand. He's been in a tumultuous on and off relationship with his live in girlfriend, model Abbey Wilson, for four years. Joe and Abbey believe they're entering Couples Therapy to confront their one major issue, Abbey's eating disorder, but as therapy progresses Dr. Jenn discovers that there are many more issues plaguing their troubled relationship.
Dr. Jenn must be a genius. I wonder what other issues are "plaguing their troubled relationship." Could it be that Joe Francis is an abusive prick that assaults playmates at bars or that he made a small fortune by getting college girls with daddy issues to flash their boobs??? Possibly...or maybe it has something to do with the couple's recently stolen sex tape.
Yeah, about that. Apparently a stolen sex tape starring Abbey Wilson and Joe Francis was being shopped around to major pornography studios earlier this month. In an act so ironic that Alanis Morissette doesn't even think it's ironic, Francis threatened to sue the world if the tape was released.
Via TMZ:
"Girls Gone Wild" founder Joe Francis is the star of a brand new hardcore sex tape ... problem is, he claims it was STOLEN from his longtime GF ... and now he's threatening legal action, TMZ has learned.
The footage -- shot several weeks ago -- features Francis getting down and dirty with his girlfriend Abbey Wilson -- who (deservedly) won the GGW "Search for the Hottest Girl in America" contest back in 2012.
We know ... the footage contains material from several sexual liaisons ... and it's currently being shopped to various media outlets.
Francis tells TMZ ... he has NOTHING to do with the tape's release -- and, ironically, he's trying desperately to stop it from going public by THREATENING the person who has it.
Joe claims the footage was ripped off of Abbey's iPad -- which was recently stolen from her bag at LAX.
This just adds to Joe Francis' odd history with Oklahoma. In November of 2007, he accused prison guards in Chickasha of abuse. Just a few months later in 2008 he was involved in a copyright infringement lawsuit with the Oklahoma winery "Girls Gone Wine." Now there's a sex tape floating around of him and his hot-but-not-that-hot Oklahoma girlfriend. He has a lot of bad luck when it comes to the Sooner state.
Fortunately for Joe, one of his porn buddies saved the day.
Again from TMZ:
The Joe Francis sex tape has been PURCHASED by a major porn company ... but the footage will never, ever, ever, ever see the light of day, TMZ has learned.
We broke the story ... a sex tape featuring the "Girls Gone Wild" honcho and his smoking hot girlfriend was being shopped to various media outlets. Francis had threatened to sue everyone and their mother over the tape, claiming it was stolen from his GF's iPad.
But Francis can call off his legal pit bulls (for a change) ... thanks to a HUUUUGE favor from Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch.
Turns out, the two porn moguls are friends (same porny circles) ... and when the person selling the tape went to Vivid, Steve decided to do Francis a solid and snatched it off the market (price: unknown).
Well, at least none of us will ever have to see Joe Francis' dick.
Anyway, we wish Abbey the best of luck on Couples Therapy. Hopefully she gets help with her eating disorder, leaves Francis, and comes back to Oklahoma. Based on what I've heard about her, it may lower the collective IQ of our state by a point or too, but I'm fine with that. I guess I have a soft spot for bimbo blondes that look good in a bikini.


