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Check out Channel 9’s unintentionally-funny response to Channel 4’s Obama interview…

Yesterday, KFOR aired Kevin Ogle's much hyped interview with President — and Oklahoma anti-Christ — Barack Obama. I was going to share and link to the interview here, but KFOR has removed the embed feature from their online videos. So screw them. Here's a better video instead:

Yeah, that's much more entertaining.

In all honesty, Kevin Ogle's interview wasn't that bad. He asked a few softball questions about gas prices and guns and found a way to talk about the Thunder. The best part, though, was the beginning. Frankenogle was so damn tall that they had to delay the interview to adjust the cameras! This gave the President and the Ogle-In-Chief time to awkwardly discuss Kevin's playing days at Kansas State. You could tell that Kevin's ridiculously tall stature took the President by surprise. Throughout the interview, he gave Kevin the same "Holy Shit!" -look that thousands of Oklahomans have made whenever seeing the news anchor out an about, and especially at concerts, movie theaters and Thunder games.

Not to be outdone by Channel 4's interview with the President, Channel 9 landed their own exclusive sweeps week interview. Check it out: - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

From Commander In Chief to Grandfather In Charge, President George W. Bush is going to be a granddad!

The former president is looking forward to his first grandchild this Spring. And on Thursday, News 9's Amanda Taylor caught up with mom-to-be Jenna Bush Hager and her twin sister Barbara here in Oklahoma City.

No, Amanda Taylor didn't suddenly jump ship and begin working with the Onion. Channel 9's serious answer to Kevin Ogle's interview with the President was a sit-down with the Bush daughters. I guess they ran out of Oklahoma country music stars from Nashville to profile. Apparently the mud baby had the night off.

Seriously, that's just embarrassing. If your main competitor is interviewing the President, don't air an interview with George Bush's daughters the same night. It makes you look sad and desperate. It would be like learning that your best friend is dating Kate Upton, and then as a response, you try to one up him by taking out the Olsen daylight. It's just a massive fail. They should have gone the Channel 5 route and ignored sweeps all together. I think they showed pictures of Paul Folger's herb garden or something. You're better off not trying than making a fool out of yourself.

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