It's mailbag time. Before we begin, here are some random things:
1. Has anyone checked out the new My Bloody Valentine yet? I'm kind of worried about it. Is it worth listening to? Please advise.
2. The Wordpress plug-in we use for Facebook and Twitter is acting kind of goofy, so I apologize if we've clogged up your feed with multiple back-to-back-to-back posts. I've switched to the built-in WordPress version for now. Other than manually updating our posts, does anyone have any good suggestions?
3. Marisa mentioned this earlier, but you should probably check out the Oklahoma City Ballet's production of Paris Rogue. It should be pretty fun, and according to our sources, is targeted towards the TLO demographic. If you go to the ballet on a date, I'd suggest dining on pizza at The Wedge or Deep Fork Grill beforehand. Afterwards, I'd check out the 51st Street Speakeasy or Patricia's. One of the two.
4. This week's "Make an Ogle Wish" is the same as last week. I want to watch a Thunder game from front row, courtside seats. If you're an Ogle Mole and can make this happen, send me an email.
To the mailbag.
Corey writes:
Did you see the article in the Oklahoman about Jim Traber calling out the Thunder broadcast team for being homers? I thought this was funny because I follow you on Twitter and already know that you're not a Brian Davis. Does it worry you that you have something in common with Jim?
Does it worry me? Not really. We agree on several things. In addition to not being able to stand Brian Davis, neither one of us seems to like the WNBA or Jenni Carlson columns. The only difference is that unlike Jim Traber, I don't read Jenni Carlson columns or watch WNBA games.
In fact, I kind of want to stick up for Regular Jim. Everything he said about this topic is spot on. Brian Davis and Grant Long are ridiculous homers and sub-par announcers. I missed the Westbrook tantrum when it happened live, but I can totally see the Minister of Sports Broadcasting for the Thunder instructing the crew to totally ignore it. Seriously, I'm sometimes not sure if I'm watching a sports broadcast or high-tech propaganda when I watch the Thunderplay on Fox Oklahoma.
And speaking of biased coverage, do you like how Mel Bracht's column totally defended the Thunder and painted Traber as some loud-mouthed buffoon? Sure, that's not difficult to do, but Trabes had a legitimate gripe. The Oklahoman kisses more Thunder ass than a Rumble groupie.
Brad writes:
Traber just said on the air that gay men are attracted to him.....
Hey, it's another thing Traber and I agree with! Gay men love him! I know this because we took Cardboard Jim to the Oklahoma City Pride Festival several years ago. Here are some photos to refresh your memory:



Steve writes:
While watching a Bball game today the thought suddenly occurred that you guys should use your mole network to uncover pics of Sherri Coale in a bikini or do a bit about the hottest pics you can uncover. Not an OU fan, but I really admire her um, coaching, yeah that's it, her coaching is great. And it would be even better if she would do it in a mini skirt!
Have at it, Moles. Send us some pics of Sherri Coale in a bikini. Not only would that be cool, but between Bob Barry Jr. and James Hale, we'd get about 10,000 extra page views.
Speaking of bikinis...
Shaun writes:
Tiffany Tatro is covering the first day of the legislative session, Gov's state of the state.
Tiffany Tatro, for those of you who are not perverts, is a reporter for KOKH Channel 25. She's pictured on the right:

That pic makes me want to direct Josh Sallee's next music video.
It's good to know that Channel 25 is sending out their "heavy hitters" to cover Oklahoma politics. She'll keep us "abreast" on all breaking developments. She'll "rack? up some awards with her spectacular coverage.
You know how Tony features a regular "Jim Traber Loves Exclamation Points Tweet Of The Week!!!!!" each Monday? I think I'm going to do something similar. It's called the "This PR Person Loves Exclamation Points Email of the Week." This week's email comes from Maggie.
She writes:
Hey there!
I'm reaching out on behalf of D.C. based singer songwriter, Justin Jones, who is coming to your fine city on 2/28 at the Wormy Dog Saloon! We would love to give you a pair of tickets to give away on your site/social media to help promote the show! We think your audience will love Justin, and we love your site! In addition, Justin is available for interviews leading up to the show, and really anything else unique you might have in mind! Just let me know and I'm happy to help coordinate!
More information on Justin:
Show information:
All the very best,
Thanks for the email, Maggie! I used to work in PR, so I know how much it sucks to send cold-call style emails to people! Now that I'm on the other side of the equation, here are a couple of suggestions! You don't have to lie and say that you love our site! I know PR people say to compliment the organization your emailing, and I adore the flattery, but it's kind of unnecessary! I know you don't read it! Also, take your computer to the shop and have them swap the exclamation point and period keys on your keyboard! I think you got them mixed up!
All the very best,