Good morning, folks. It's the last day of 2012. It was a year full of historic moments: Barack Obama was re-elected president of the United States, NASA's Curiosity rover successfully landed on Mars, and The Lost Ogle launched a new series called Monday Morning Tweets.
As MMT grew, it became clear that one man would be the star of the show. A renaissance man in the truest sense, Dean Blevins wears many hats: former college quarterback, journalist, and the best on-air urinator this market has ever seen. In 2012 Dean added one more line onto his resume: Twitter superstar.
After the jump, we look back at the year that was @DeanBlevins.
The first edition of MMT was also Deano's first appearance, in which he revealed that even five years later, he still doesn't realize that it's spelled "Federer."
Nadal is more athletic than Fedeher, but that's not why he beat my guy RogFed--again. RF was n good shape till brain-locking--1/2 doz times.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) January 26, 2012
Things only got better from there. Sometimes, Deano got really indignant and had to scold people for their bad behavior.
Hated 2 have fam &12 year-old son's friend have 2 walk out of movie on vacation. But Eddie Murphy's flick is NOT PG 13. "GD" and sex scenes.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 20, 2012
Rooted 4 Tiger but am disappointed/not surprised @ what he screamed after winning putt: F___ yea! F___ yea! Did Jack say that @ '86 Masters?
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 26, 2012
I'm sick & tired of NBA players crying about every call. Unbecoming & bad example 4 kids....but not as bad as Tiger kicking clubs & cussin'
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) April 20, 2012
He always used colorful metaphors that only Deano would think up:
Love Esch (ouch). But his support of Westbrk b/c he's gone nuts ONLY ONCE this season IS nuts. Like dieting & then nibblin on sponge cake.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 14, 2012
Cape Canavral. Launching pad. Calling Russell Westbrook @russwest44 The jack-knife jumper looks like Olympic high divers. Gets a 10 2night
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 28, 2012
Thanks Mercy Hospital. 3hrs after surgery I had a vagal response (fainted). Docs & nurses flew around like LBs lookin 4 a CottonBowl fumble
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) August 15, 2012
Sometimes he talked about long schlongs.

Sometimes he had bad starts to the day.
Ended up a gr8 day after rough start. I hopped out of bed, brushed teeth, but stopped realizing I'd used face cleanser instead of toothpaste
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) February 3, 2012
Sometimes, 3 scoops Peanut Butter Cup.
3 scoops Peanut Butter Cup.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 8, 2012
Sometimes he got mad at Joe Biden.
Subject matter in last night's debate was serious stuff--nukes, poverty & genocide. Wonder how hard Biden would laugh at a really good joke?
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) October 12, 2012
(Seriously, though, does anyone remember that like 4-5 day period when the fever swamp convinced themselves Obama was going to lose because Biden laughed too much? Man, politics makes people stupid.)
Sometimes, Deano didn't realize that cities other than Boston have places that treat Diabetes.
If Ray Allen can leave the Celtics, a hospital & medical care that's helpful for his son, then anyone will leave these days 4 chance @ title
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 7, 2012
Sometimes, who the hell knows?
My Final 4-Rove v Carville; Krautheimer v Matthews;
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 30, 2012
NIT Finals-O'Reilly/Limbaugh v entire MSNBC Network.
SCourt votes 5-4 b4 debates begin
Any1 besides me & Moose & Fuzzy & Chilly & Soup & T Bone, Odie & PDog (Some of the Oak Tree gin game) happy Stern was @ Staples last night?
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) May 20, 2012
Stiemsa & Hawes--not exactly what u think 1st when someone says #NBA Playoffs. Pass the SPF 90, please. (racial slur unintended) #WMCantJump
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) May 13, 2012
Sometimes Deano decided to count the freckles on Linda Cohn's arms.
High def TV so vivid Carson & I are counting the freckles on Linda Cohn's arms. Unusual way to bond…
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 8, 2012
Sometimes Deano messed up counting the freckles on Linda Cohn's arm so he had to start over counting the freckles on Linda Cohn's arms.
Counting freckles is an inexact science. Starting over b/c of TV commercials a real bummer.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 8, 2012
Sometimes, it's what's in her mouth that counts.
ESPN guy as Sonya Thomas as wins women's hot dog contest: "It's what's in her mouth that counts." After watching this I'm sipping soup 2nite
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 4, 2012
Sometimes Deano went all Joe McCarthy about the Olympic gold medal basketball game.
If u didn't tear up your not American
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) August 12, 2012
Sometimes Deano brewed massive amounts of tea at 10:45 at night.
Duh. As I brew my 3rd big batch of iced tea--7-8 servings--it finally hits me that maybe that's why I can't go 2 sleep b4 2A on work nights.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 4, 2012
Sometimes 140 characters was not enough room to coherently get across the point he wanted to make.
Dear Journalism students. Don't bring golf clubs & lotion on work trips...ones u might get to go cover after 10 yrs. Suggest 2 be paid by hr
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) June 21, 2012
I root for hurricane. But listening to coach him talk about having 3 punts blocked & considering going for 2 b/c of 6 missed extra points.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) November 29, 2012
Sometimes Deano saw right through the frauds.
Seriously, why do guys dye their hair? Don't they know that no one is fooled? I'd rather be bald than color my hair. And will find out 1day.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) May 5, 2012
Sometimes Deano showed hilarious lack of self-awareness.
3 biggest turnoffs. Judgemental. Hypocritical. Bad grammar. Not necessarily in that order.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) April 18, 2012
And sometimes, Deano made the most Deano-y tweet of 2012. The Dean Blevins Memorial Weekly Tweet of the Year From Dean Blevins features all the trademarks of a Deano tweet: it is overly wordy, features an invented nickname, gives commentary on a country club sport, has a weird metaphor, and manages to scold someone for their behavior.
Happy to see Serena spanking ol' Grunt Girl in Wimbledon semi. Unlike a lady in labor, Azarenaka doesn't need 2 grunt 4 two hour stretches
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) July 5, 2012
It's been a good year. See you in 2013. Follow me on Twitter here. Good bye!