Sally Kern. Mike Reynolds. Ralph Shorty. Randy Terrill. Jim Inhoffe. Brent Rinehart. David Derby. Mark McCullough. Josh Brecheen. Josh Breechen's attractive wife.
Yes, it's safe to say that we have our share of crazed Republican politicians in this state. And that's only a few of them. We have more crazy Republican politicians than the Oklahoma State Fair has mullets, disease and funnel cakes.
Finally, though, we've found a Republican politician that's doing something right. Meet Rep. Randy Grau (pictured above). He actually wants to overturn a 102-year-old law the bans blasphemy. Yes, you read that right. He wants to overturn the law. He also probably doesn't want to be reelected.
From NewsOK via the AP:
A state lawmaker says he plans to repeal a century-old Oklahoma law that makes blasphemy a crime.
Edmond Republican Rep. Randy Grau says he was prompted in part by the violent protests that erupted after the release of an anti-Islamic film on the internet.
Grau says that while he doesn't support the disparagement of another's religious views, he believes it's necessary to stand up for free speech “even when it is unpopular to do so.”
The 1910 Oklahoma law makes it a misdemeanor to say or print words that case “profane ridicule upon God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Scriptures or the Christian or any other religion.”
God damn, this is shocking! I bet the Holy Ghost and Krishna took a break from their gang bang in Buddah's house just to read that article. Jesus probably just shit his bed. Mohammed know what, I'm going to leave Mohammed out of this. Praise be to Allaah!
Actually, overturning this dated and archaic law is a sensible, logical and rational idea, therefore, it has no way in hell of making it through the legislature. In fact, I bet they'll pull a 180 and try to pass legislation to fund a public awareness campaign for the law. They'll also launch a special enforcement division within OSBI called the "Blasphemy Bureau." They'll also lower taxes for the rich, because you know, they're Republicans.