The douche bag in the picture above is Price Fallin. In addition to being the son of Governor Mary Fallin and a drinker of shitty beer, he's the president of the Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) fraternity at the University of Oklahoma. Thanks to the Ogle Mole Network, we have learned that Price and his fellow fraternity brothers are having a rush party at the Governor's Mansion on Friday, August 10th.
From the OU FIJI website:
Do you have a trust fund, drink Keystone and enjoy blowing other dudes in dimly-lit back room initiation ceremonies? Well then the Phi Gama Delta fraternity is for you! Join on us on Friday, August 10th from 6pm-8pm at Governor's Mansion as we educate you on our awesome 100-year tradition of excellence in turning young boys into perverted men and over-the-counter sleep aids into the strongest roofies.
See you there, Broseph -
Mr. Price Fallin
p.s. - You're not allowed to sneak-in any prostitutes or Alpha Chi's in the mansion!
p.s.s. - There's a hot tub, too!
Okay, I made most of that up. There's no description of the party on the website. They just have it listed on their event calendar. However, that’s probably what the write-up would be like if it existed. The only difference is that Price would probably replace the "blowing other dudes" reference with "watching Entourage re-runs," which is basically the same thing.
Anyway, I emailed the Governor’s office last night with some questions about the party, but they never replied back (Update: They did). I asked the same questions that you’re probably thinking, like if the FIJI’s had to rent the facility, who’s paying for the catering, and if alcohol will be served. However, I did chicken out on asking if the Governor planned on turning the event into her own little version of the “Total Eclipse of the Heart” music video. I just didn’t have the guts to do it.
In all seriousness, though, does anyone else think this is a bit tacky? I know the Governor’s Mansion is the Governor’s Mansion and everything, but should she really be having a bunch of 18-22 douche bags over to her house for a frat party? That just seems inappropriate. It also seems dangerous. What if some pledge gets drunk and passes out in the 108-degree hot tub? That wouldn’t look good.
Also, isn’t it kind of ironic that an OU fraternity that recently built an immaculate $5-million house (and has trust fund baby officers with names like Price, Bentley and Jackson) would host a rush party in state-owned housing located nearly 20-miles from the OU campus? That's what I call welfare! And we get it, Price. Your mom’s the Governor. Now jump out of the nest and learn to fly.
Actually, just kidding. Milk it for all it’s worth. After looking at the pics below, that's probably your best chance for success:
Update 1: Alex Weintz with the Governor's Office replied to our email this afternoon. Here are the questions and the answers.
Q: Where at the mansion is the party taking place?
A: The governor’s pavilion
Q: Will the Governor be in attendance?
A: yes
Q: Did the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity pay to rent or use the facilities?
A: No.
Q: Who is providing and/or paying for the catering?
A: Phi Gamma Delta
Q: Will alcohol be present?
A: No.
Update II: The "Corresponding Secretary" for the OU Fiji house sent us an email. Check it out in our weekly mailbag.
Wow. The interesting part to me is that the fraternity, which isn't short on cash, isn't paying to use the facility. That means it's likely the tax payers who will foot the bill for the set-up, clean up, electrical bill, etc. Good to know, isn't it? Maybe we should book a trivia night there or something.
Anyway, here are more pictures:


