Welcome back to the Friday Mailbag presented by Kaiser's Bistro. Each Friday we take a look at some reader emails and let our readers vote for their favorite one. Whoever sends in the email that gets the most votes receives a $25 Gift Certificate to Kaiser's.
Here is last week's winner:
So the mega millions is at 500 million this friday. What would the lost ogle do if they won? I say build a huge building downtown next to devon tower which looks like james harden’s beard.
Congrats, Max. You won a $25 Gift Certificate to Kaiser's. Unfortunately, we didn't win the lottery, so I guess we won't be able to build a tower that looks like James Harden's beard. Anyway, here are this week's emails. Read them below, and if you have a thought, question or rant you'd like to email to us, send it to TheLostOgle@gmail.com.
Wade asks:
I have lived in Oklahoma forever and cannot get an answer why we have 3.2 beer. Can you tackle this issue?
I can't really tackle the issue because explaining Oklahoma's liquor laws is about as complicated as Downtown Oklahoma City's traffic grid. Remember, Oklahoma didn't end total prohibition until the 1950s and restaurants were not allowed to serve liquor by the drink until the 1980s. Even today, there are a few counties that don't allow it.
I would say there's hope for improving liquor laws in the state and possible eliminating weak 3.2 beer, but the group who claims they want to modernize liquor laws doesn't seem to have a clue. And yes, I just linked to an Oklahoman editorial. I think the apocalypse is coming.
Lauren asks:
Dear Ogles -
Thanks for writing about Lunchmeat. What do you think is funnier? Is it the Oklahoma City Thunder fired a man named "Lunchmeat," the reaction from the public over Lunchmeat's terminations or the Thunder playing "Ni**a in Paris during player introductions?
You're the second person this week who's informed us that the Oklahoma City Thunder — a family friendly organization that's so obsessed with its image that it fired a guy for being in a cheesy music video — plays a song with the N-word in its title over the arena speakers when they introduce the players. That's funny, but not as funny a Kelly "Kingpen" Ogle's obsession with the Lunchmeat fiasco. He's dedicated a "My Two Cents" piece and a news story to the guy.
Sarah asks:
Why is Piedmont scary?
This question was in response to a tweet I sent out last night after watching this report on News 9. I'd like to congratulate the robbers, the lady who attacked the robbers with a plunger, and the bizarre vigilante neighbor for all making Peidmont seem like a fictional town in a Cormac McCarthy novel.
Austin writes:
I don't alway read TLO, but, when I do, I run it through the GeoCities-izer first. It spits out something like this.
Who am I kidding -- I read TLO almost daily.
Also, your contact form is broken.
That site's pretty funny. I put Braums.com in the GeoCities-izer thinking it would make the site look modern. It kind of did.
Nicole asks:
My boyfriend and I were leaving a Thunder game a few weeks ago and noticed the little grassy in area in Bricktown with all the buffaloes are now gone. What did they do with all the buffaloes? Can you have a contest where people look for them?
I asked about this on Twitter, and the universal response was that Steve Lackmeyer kidnapped all the buffaloes and put them in his backyard where he could ride them. One person did mention that some Buffaloes were moved to a different parking lot in Bricktown, but that person is pretty unreliable.