Welcome to the Friday mailbag. It's the weekly series where people email us questions or comments and then we write a response. How original!
Last week's winning email was sent to us by Kelli. She who wrote a poem to Janet Barresi. We didn't publish the poem because it was kind of long and boring, but hey, she wins a $25 Gift Certificate to Kaiser's Bistro! Good for her.
Anyway, here are this week's emails. They have to do with a variety of topics ranging from the Mathis Brother to lottery winnings to KFOR being really excited they have a helicopter pilot who's not leaving them for Channel 9 later this summer. Read them and vote for your favorite below.
Max asks:
So the mega millions is at 500 million this friday. What would the lost ogle do if they won? I say build a huge building downtown next to devon tower which looks like james harden's beard
If I won the lottery the first thing I'd do is rename this website TheRichOgle.com. The second thing I'd do is build an extravagant in-ground pool that heats up to 102 degrees. The third thing I'd do is swim in that pool.
And constructing a building that looks like James Harden's beard isn't a bad idea, but what happens when James either shaves his beard or is traded to or leaves for another team? Then we'd be left with some weird unusable building that some group will try to convert into a Children's Museum.
Steve writes:

My girlfriend and I live in Boston. We were boot shopping at Langston's recently when we noticed this sign prominently displayed between the Justins and the Noconas. We couldn't remember having seen a similar sign in the boutiques of Newbury Street.
Here's a fun fact. I've never set foot inside Langston's, Sheplers or any other other country western outfitter. This is because I'm not a cowboy, gay man or named Molly. But I have been to Wal-Mart. Lots of hillbilly's buy their clothes from Wal-Mart.
In regards to your email, that sign doesn't surprise me. My only question is if it's okay for customers to spit in the trash can? The sign seems to only restrict employees. Maybe we should give Clark Matthews a pack of Beachnut and send him to Langston's to find out.
JD writes:
I spent the week in southern California and in the stretches between meetings there was too much time in areas showing local LA television. With almost the same frequency as in Oklahoma City, Rit Mathis would be on with the exact commercial that they play here. This commercial though was advertising their store out there. The Mathis Brothers are in California too? Who knew? Does this validate how someone would name their kid after a commercial dye? Gerbils? Do they have tree ornaments in the California governor’s mansion too? So many questions.
What I think is weird about Rit Mathis, besides his name, is that he actually makes me miss the Mathis Brothers. We need to get those guys back on the air. It was always kind of comforting to watch Larry and Bill pet the top of a couch like it's a big dog or stand-up and extend the legs out of an over-sized rocker recliner. When I watch Rit Mathis I just want to throw a shoe or something.
p.s. - If you haven't done so, watch this commercial that was banned from local tv.
Bill in OKC writes:
I saw that Mary Fallin wasn't in Oklahoma to greet the President because she was on a family vacation to Puerto Rico. Since she just took her last vacation in January (to stand on the podium at football games in Arizona) I'm wondering, why is being Governor so exhausting? Mary has made an entire political career out of doing nothing yet, for some reason, she always on vacation. Why is that?
Being a Republican governor in Oklahoma is a lot harder than you think. You have to sign crazy legislation that's passed by the legislature and...uh...uh...deny people clemency or parole. It's a tough job. She deserves the vacations.
Haley writes:
I think you should write a blog about how Channel 4 is staging all kinds of crazy things for their new helicopter pilot to get footage of. I've been in OKC all week because my dad had surgery and I have seen more helicopter footage than I have seen in the 20 years I lived in OKC combined.
When they start using Bob Moore Chopper Four to give Kevin Ogle's kids a ride to school, that's when we'll know something's up. Until then, you can't really blame Channel 4 for being excited about their new pilot. The Jim Gardner situation left them with hurt feelings and bruised egos. This is basically their way of showing off a new boyfriend or girlfriend to all their friends.
However, I'm not so sure about the new pilot. He spells his name Jon, which is weird. He's also a former Apache helicopter pilot or something. I wonder what's going to happen when he tries to shoot a rocket into a wall cloud.
Anyway, vote for you're favorite email below. And don't forget to send us yours to TheLostOgle@gmail.com. If your email gets the most votes, you'll win a $25 Gift Certificate to Kaiser's Bistro!