As I mentioned yesterday, I took a one-night trip to Dallas on Wednesday to see some family, catch a Stars game and smuggle in some six-point Bud Light. Thursday was supposed to be a mini day off, but when I woke up to see that Clark Mathews' published an OSU basketball post about a period of time known as the "Clark Matthews' Era," I quickly wrote something about the Devon tower.
After I hit the publish button I packed up my laptop, drank a glass of orange juice, grabbed my duffel bag and walked out the door. I then hopped in my car and took to the road. I'm kind of Constanza'ish when it comes to highway driving, so I get a rush when I drive through Texas. The people there don't understand the "slower vehicles keep right" concept, so it's fun to veer in and out of traffic passing the methhead cowboys and there Datsun pick-ups.
Once I crossed the Red River everything was smooth sailing. There was no traffic, so I was able to set the cruise on 81 and rarely had to slow down to wait for the slow semi to pass the really slow RV. Once I got through the Arbuckle's I was thinking about what I need to do when I got home. Then it hit me in the same way it hit Kevin's mom in Home Alone.
I quickly pulled over into a rest area. I looked in my backseat. There was a duffel bag but no computer. I then popped my trunk. Boxes filled with trivia answer sheets. I then called me aunt, asked her to text me her garage code, and took two-hour drive back to North Ft. Worth to pick up my stupid laptop. That's how I spent my "day off."
Anyway, here's this week's mailbag. Last week's winning email was sent to us by Nathan. He's won a $25 gift certificate to Kaiser's Bistro. Congrats, Nathan.
Rick asks:
Any advice for the many who have been blocked by the Real Jim Traber in twitter? Is my life over now?
No, Rick, your life is just beginning. You no longer have to read random comments about the Thunder, love tweets to Hunter Mahan and random exclamation points. Think about how cool that is. Plus you get to tell people that Regular Jim Traber blocked you on Twitter. Girls at the bar love that.
That being said, I do see how Regular Jim Traber blocking you like one of his arteries can be disappointing. What I would suggest you do is create a fake Eddie Murray account and try to buddy up with Regular Jim. We all know that Jim still can't get over how Eddie Murray (and not opposing pitching) derailed his playing career, so it would be funny to see Jim's reaction when Eddie Tweets "Grab me a water, Trabes" or "How's the minor leagues, Big Daddy?"
Cindi writes:
Did you see that Bill Simmons interviewed Obama on his podcast? When are you all going to get a podcast, and if you do, when will you interview Mary Fallin?
You know, we've been thinking about starting a podcast. If we do it, though, there are other women I'd rather interview before Mary Fallin. In no particular order, those woman are:
1. Ashlynn Brooke
2. Jesse Jane
3. Bibi Jones
In fact, maybe I could interview them all at the same time. That would be fun!
Jason asks:
Just in case you guys hadn't heard, I heard Robin Marsh say that Channel 9 is giving away "I Survived The Weather In 2011 With Gary England" T-Shirts.
I hope not, because that shirt doesn't sound very funny. I think a better idea would be an "I Survived the over-the-top coverage of Amanda Taylor's pregnancy" t-shirt.
Ban_the_Nickel wants to know:
Whatever happened to the old man with the scraggly hair and the reflective vest who jogged trudged down Northwest Expressway every morning? He was an integral part of my commute, and I haven't seen him in months!
I honestly have no clue who you're talking about, but I do apologize that you have to commute down Northwest Expressway every morning. That's depressing.
Anyway, maybe the guy got arrested, found a new career selling Pixy Stix or was swooped up by an unsuspecting road construction crew. Or maybe he finally gave in a bought a moped and now just cruises around your parents' neighborhood.
Jordan writes:
Tonight I noticed on Twitter that Linda Cavenaugh posted on Twitter that KFOR had the number one rated NBC affiliate in the country at 10:00. Well I know News 9 isn't the top CBS affiliate in the country. So in a way this is KFOR's way of telling KWTV to suck it. I mean with KWTV trying to steal KFOR's mojo by signing Jim Gardner and Bobbi Miller from KFOR and screwing over the longtime employees then going out and paying for a story in order to keep KFOR away so they could have the exclusive and they are still looking up. So I think this was Linda's way of telling Channel 9 we're better than you and we know it and they're is nothing you can do about it. Plus Bobbi Miller is prego again, so now they'll be loosing one of their new additions and its like KFOR is rubbing salt in the wound. So with that being said am I crazy to think that if this keeps up KWTV will go desperation mode and go all out and try and get Emily Sutton with not only a promotion but a sparkly severe weather dress and her own drinking game to come over and be Gary's replacement as Chief to try to steal KFOR's creepy viewers so they might be able to defeat KFOR once and for all?
Wow, you covered a lot there. Can you imagine the uproar that would happen if Channel 9 stole Emily Sutton? That would cause such an imbalance in the local weather universe that I would have to probably move to Lawton. Just kidding, I'd never move to Lawton. That would be stupid.
Vote for your favorite email below. Whoever sent us the one that gets the most votes will when a $25 Gift Certificate to Kaiser's Bistro. And as always, if you have any questions you'd like to submit to the mailbag, send them to The Lost Ogle at Gmail dot com.