With a new year upon us, we thought it would be fun to make some bold predictions for 2012. We didn't do this last year, but if we did, we totally would have predicted OPUBCO being sold, Wimgo closing, and Gan Matthews becoming a double agent for the CIA.
Anyway, here are 20 bold predictions for 2012. If any of them come true, I'll meet up with you at the refugee camp.

20. Bob Mills ditches the suit for deep v-necks.
19. Claude Monroe, the 89 year-old webmaster of Braums.com, dies of congestive heart failure.
18. James Harden's beard traded to Sacramento.
17. Wayne Coyne's bandmates hold a meeting to discuss the frontman's unhealthy infatuation with large vaginas.
16. ROK bar institutes a strict dress code requiring bad tattoos, shaved body hair, and under-the-shirt camelbacks full of FourLOKO.

15. Kevin Ogle nabs the lead role in Frankenstein remake.
14. Grand Lake closed after Loch Ness Monster is spotted feeding on Blue algae.
13. Fox 25 anchor Liz Dueweke will be seen at various OKC hotspots on the arm of a new chubbier, beardy-er boyfriend named Chad McNaughton.
12. Mary Fallin announces three-month long summer trip to French Riviera and Greek Isles to search for lower taxes and jobs.
11. We still can't decide whether or not to publish that nude pic of a girl in the Oklahoma media that someone emailed to us.
Anyway, that's 20 -11. Here's 10 - 1.