The picture above was one of the 20 semi-finalists for our State Fair Photo contest. We called the photo "Emorella." Here's what we wrote:
I knew about weird shoes, but when did it become fashionable for emo kids to dress up like medieval characters from 1950′s Disney cartoons and visit the state fair? I thought they just pouted in their rooms all day, listened to Dashboard Confessional and fantasized about being in Beetlejuice sequels.
Come to find out, the two weirdos shown in the photograph are not weird emo kids. They are actually just a couple of models participating in a photo shoot for the online-only local fashion magazine TwentySomethingMagazine.com. You may remember that publication for their "controversial" photo shoot of Christina Fallin at the Governor's Mansion. Now you can remember it for something else: trying too hard.
Just check out these weird art fashion photos:




Yeah, that's some really well done art/fashion photography. I think it will win several awards. In other news, I just drank a gallon of LSD and got a job fixing lawnmowers for some dude named Bill Cox. That should be fun.
Seriously, what is going on here? I guess I'm supposed to think that colorful photographs of a four-legged Japanese widow and slutty Cinderella are artistic and cool. Too bad they're not.
The photos are just cheesy. There's nothing really artistic or creative about them. They look like the demented vision of some guy who masturbates to "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat." Wayne Coyne would probably call them over-the-top and tacky. The Pioneer Woman would even admit they overdid the curves and levels in Photoshop.
Anyway, if this is what "Twenty Somethings" think is fashionable, I've never been happier to be a 33-year-old man whose wardrobe primarily consists of jeans and t-shirts. Perhaps I should create a fashion magazine called ThirtySomething.com. It will just contain a bunch of photographs of girls with big boobs wearing bikinis and shooting water guns at midgets Maybe some of them will have four legs or something. You know, because that's creative.