The only things Oklahomans love more than the TV weather forecasts are Jesus Christ and Chicken Fried Steak. Just kidding. Oklahomans love nothing more than the weather forecast.
Vote for who you think is the Worst Weatherman in Oklahoma City after the jump.

Steve Carano
Steve is the weekend weatherman for Channel 5. He's also a professor at Rose State (Junior) College. The guy has a decent score at RateMyProfessors.com, but I'm not sure I want a junior college professor letting me know if it's going to be sunny or windy or coldy.

Jeff George
Jeff George kind of reminds me of the laid back guy who ends up making mojitos for his friends at a party. That's fine if you're the showing the seven-day forecast in San Diego or Tucson, but it doesn't work in Oklahoma City. We need our weathermen to make dire predictions and scare us all to Hell.

Mike Morgan
I originally wasn't going to include Mike Morgan on this list because his wife likes to email us photographs. But then I remembered that damn bedazzled weather tie. Looking at that thing is like staring at a thousand suns.

Rick Mitchell
If we were to compare our local weatherman to the First Roman Triumvirate, Gary England would be Caesar, Mike Morgan would be Pompey and Rick Mitchell would Crassus.
Okay, I have no clue what that really means. I just wanted to appear smart and reference something historical. How did I do?
Anyway, Rick Mitchell is just boring. But he does have fans that write about him on bathroom walls. That's worth something, right?

Jon Slater
Yeah, it's hard for me to take a guy too seriously if he looks like the kid from Jerry Maguire. It's even harder for me to take a guy too seriously when he leaves comments on this site about our observation that he looks like the kid from Jerry Maguire.