I've had XM for a couple of years now, so other than the occasional dose of sports talk, I don't have to suffer through local radio. (Editor's Note: Ha! I bet that makes you jealous, doesn't it? I pay for my radio. I'm so much better than you!)
Anyway, since I'm not an expert on this topic, I asked the Ogle Moles on Twitter and Facebook who they would like to see nominated. These Ogle Moles brought back a bunch of bad memories. Thanks for nothing, Moles.
(UPDATE: Poll is fixed.)
KTOK News Talk 1000
Here's what you need to know about KTOK. They feature Glenn Beck from 8am - 11am, Rush Limbaugh from 11am - 2pm and Sean Hannity LIVE from 2pm - 4pm. If you already knew that, you may be on the wrong website.
100.5 The Katt
The KATT is actually a very good radio station, if you like meth, Busch beer and open sores.
Magic 104.1
I can't listen to Magic 104, because it either makes me think of going to the dentist or having slow, lonely, depressing sex.
96.1 KXY or 101.9 The Twister
One of these stations plays new country, while the other one plays classic country. I'm not sure which is which, because all country music sounds like blue algae infested water.
105.3 The Martini
Yeah, we used to have a radio show on 105.3 the Spy. Then things got all screwy and it was replaced by something called the Martini. In case you care, martini's are only cool if they get you drunk.
p.s. - For the sake of competition, The Sports Animal was not included. Hell, it has its own category.