We teased this last week, but it's finally time to start our countdown of the 20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City Media.
Before we get to the countdown, let me say a few things:
1. We took many factors into consideration when determining this year's rankings. Factors including, but not limited to, hotness, cuteness, popularity, politeness, obtainability, unobtainability, relevance, hairstyle, real life hotness, Ogle Moleness, bra size and how bad Bob Barry Jr. and Dean Blevins want to show them the Eiffel Tower.
2. Because we can, we are going to drag this series out into four posts.
3. Please, actually pretty please, try to keep the comments classy. I know that can be a struggle for some of you, but please try.
Anyway, number 20 is below, the rest are after the jump.

20. Van Shea Iven
Just kidding. Van Shea Iven didn't make the countdown. That's because we are counting down the "20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City Media"...not the "20 Hottest Men in the Oklahoma City Media Who Could Pass as an Elf or Lesbian." Plus, there's an 80% chance that Bob Barry Jr. and Dean Blevins would totally not want to show Van Shea the Eiffel Tower.
The real number 20 is after the jump.

20. Amanda Guerra, Reporter, KOCO Channel 5
Give Amanda credit, it's difficult to locate pictures of her on Facebook, so we are having to use the same picture that we used last year. Therefore, she drops all the way down to number 20. In all honesty, she should have fallen off the list completely, but look, a puppy!

19. Danielle Vollmar, Weekend Meteorologist, KOKH Channel 25
If someone showed me the picture above and asked me to point out the meteorologist, I'd pick the girl in blue bikini. That's because bikini models with visible roots and large breasts and belly button rings are cool and make fabulous meteorologists.
That being said, I would have been wrong. Danielle Vollmar is the girl in black. What a surprise. In other news, the burritos at Los Tacos are large and the snow in my driveway has not completely melted.

18. Amanda Taylor, Evening Anchor, KWTV Channel 9
Here's the deal. Amanda Taylor is more "pretty" than she is "hot." That's not a bad thing, but it's just that she's more like the girl who shops at Dillards with your aunt or hosts Pampered Chef parties than she is the type of girl you'd maybe see wearing a pink bikini at Lake Arcadia. Because of that, she has to drop a little bit on the list.
p.s. - This low ranking has nothing to do with Amanda snubbing us and doing a story on the Pioneer Woman. Nothing at all.

17. Bobbie Miller, Reporter/Anchor, KFOR Channel 4
There are Bobbie Miller fans, then there is Clark Matthews. Check out this email he sent to me.
Will you please name Bobbie Miller the hottest women in the Oklahoma City News Media. She makes my heartbeat rise like the Thunder's offensive efficiency and pace when James Harden plays the two and Westbrook and Durant start a pic and roll game with Green and Ibaka cutting to the basket or sitting off screens just in case the defense switches on the roll.
Clark Matthews
Unfortunately, Clark Matthews owes me money from a checkers bet we made a few months ago, therefore Bobbie Miller is 17.

16. Brittany Baldy, KAUT Fox 43, ?
In all honesty, we have no clue what Brittany Baldy does for Channel 43, because we, like most other people in the world, never watch Channel 43. But if we did, I'm sure we'd see Brittany talk about traffic or birthdays or too-tough trivia. That's because Brittany is also the daughter of Jack Elliot from "Jack and Ron," uhm, fame. Finally there's some work out there that Jack can be proud of.
Here's the entire countdown:
Brittany Baldy |