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Let your heart dance at Remington Park…

When you watch the video below, please remember three things:

1) That lady is probably somebody's grandma.

2) That lady probably danced at Sugars.

3) That lady has probably given Al Eschbach an erection.

Anyway, now that you've already thrown up in your mouth a couple of times, go for the trifecta and watch the video.

I don't know about you, but I think the most annoying thing about this video are the people in the background who keep on talking about how this video's going to go viral.  Seriously, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can shoot embarrassing videos at will of old ladies dancing provocatively at casinos and then post them on websites for fame?  There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred.   And I kind of like it that way.

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