With today's voting, the first round of Ogle Madness will conclude. The actual tournament known as "March Madness" is only getting started just today...with March more than half over. Slackers.
(6) Jesse Jane vs. (11) Clark Matthews
About Jesse Jane:
Conference: Flesh
Who she is: Porn Star
Biggest Strength: Hot fans.
Biggest Weakness: Uhm"¦her acting skills.
About Clark Matthews:
Conference: Lost Ogles
Who he is: Perpetual candidate for world's greatest human being
Biggest Strength: Modesty
Biggest Weakness: Recognizing his own weaknesses
(3) Kelly Ogle vs. (14) Larry Jones
About Kelly Ogle:
Conference: Actual Ogles
Who he is: The Ogle who most embraces the nepotism he benefitted from.
Biggest Strength: Ripping off his dad's segment.
Biggest Weakness: Being hip.
About Larry Jones:
Conference: Disgraced Philanthropists
Who he is: Founder and long time leader of Feed the Children
Biggest Strength: Feeding children
Biggest Weakness: Explaining his cache of pornography
(7) Regular Jim Traber vs. (10) Dave Morris
About Regular Jim Traber:
Conference: Fans of TheLostOgle.com
Who he is: Loudmouthed jerk and purveyor of recycled insults
Biggest Strength: Breaking in baseball mitts
Biggest Weakness: Realizing when he's being made to look a fool on Twitter
About Dave Morris:
Conference: Douchebags with Hot Chicks
Who he is: The face of NewsOK.com
Biggest Strength: Fooling 28% of our readers
Biggest Weakness: Hanging out with hobbits
(2) Mayor Mick vs. (15) FOGzie
About Mayor Mick:
Conference: Mayoral Demigods
Who he is: The man behind Oklahoma City now being "Big League"
Biggest Strength: Long term planning/Vision
Biggest Weakness: Blowing out chump competition/FOGzie
About FOGzie:
Conference: Lame marketing gimmicks
Who he is: A friend of sewer pipes all over the city
Biggest Strength: Raising awareness for some cause or something
Biggest Weakness: Originality