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Vince Orza is odd…

If you watched this video in 1980, and were then asked to complete the following sentence, what would your answer have been?

Q: In 2009, Vince Orza will be best known for  _____________________.

a. Building a successful chain of casual dining restaurants.
b. Serving as the Dean of the Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business.
c. Nearly becoming the Republican nominee for Governor in 1990, and the Democrat nominee in 2002.
d. Not being allowed within 500 feet of a school, church or library.
e. Coming in at number 39 on The Lost Ogle's ranking of the 50 Most Powerful Oklahomans.

In all honesty, my answer would have been "B," but that's because I was two years old in 1980. I didn't even know what letters meant, much less complete sentences.  Hell, I still think things are kind of that way.  Complete sentences suck.

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