On Monday, we were recipients of an email that was sent to a select group of Edmond civic leaders and the media. The email, which was pretty long, complained about a planned apartment complex that's supposed to be built in the Coffee Creek neighborhood in Edmond. The gist of the email was that apartments bring poor people, poor people bring crime, and crime brings lower home values, and therefore, apartment complexes should not be built anywhere near a place like Coffee Creek.
As a former poor person and apartment dweller, I guess that makes sense. I know that if I lived in a comfy upper class neighborhood, I wouldn't want a drunk 22-year-old Patrick and his stoned friends living in an apartment across the street from me. I would want other boring rich white people to be my neighbors.
Anyway, that's not what this post is about. This post is about a follow up email we received later on that day. It came from a PR professional trying to do some damage control. It may the best email in Lost Ogle history...right behind the mean ones. Here it is:
To clarify Coffee Creek resident Patrick Fuller's mass email to media this morning, Touchmark at Coffee Creek is not affiliated with the PUD renewal request before Edmond Planning Commissioners.
The project is total a Turner & Co. project.
I represent Touchmark at Coffee Creek in media relations. http://touchmarkedmond.com/newscontact
If you have any further questions, I suggest you contact Bob Schiermeyer with the City of Edmond, Planning Department, to clarify Touchmark is not affiliated with the PUD application.
Carol Hartzog
Carol Hartzog Communications
Yep, Carol Hartzog, a PR person, sent an email to TheLostOgle.com. And she addressed it to Kelly. Awesome.
Seriously, is that not the coolest thing ever? We probably should have had fun with it and asked her to drinks or to play laser tag with Kent and Kevin, but we didn't. We just giggled and laughed that a communications and PR professional who seems to pose as a social media expert wasn't aware of our site. We did this because we have big egos and are incredibly handsome. When you have that going for you, you can pretty much do whatever you want.