Last fall, we had arranged to do a Lost Ogle Q &A with porn superstar (and Choctaw, Oklahoma native) Ashlynn Brook. The quest for the Q &A began with an email to her employer New Sensations. Here is an excerpt of the email I sent to them:
My name is Patrick and I am the owner an Oklahoma based website called TheLostOgle.com. I was wanting to get in contact with Ashlynn Brooke to see if she would be available for a brief 15 - 20 question email interview about her life, career and being an Oklahoman.
Just one day later, we got the following reply:
Hey there! Just got your email forwarded that you'd like to do an interview. Just wanted to say I would love to.... I love doing anything that pertains to our wonderful state! Just shoot me an email and I'll answer asap. Thanks again!!!!
A few days later I sent her about 15 questions. About a week passed and I never heard anything back, so I sent her the following email:
Hey Ashlynn-
Hope you are doing well.
I was wondering if you received the interview questions for the Lost Ogle Q & A. I believe that we emailed them last Friday. I was hoping to have the interview up for tomorrow, but if we have to wait a few days, that's perfectly fine.
If you get a chance, just let me know. Thanks again for doing this!
The next day I got this amazing reply.
Yeah im going to do it this evening. Im sorry I've just been on set everyday! Im very excited about this! Thanks and look for my email soon!
Yep, after a hard day's work on the set of a porn studio, Ashlynn Brooke sent us an email. That's probably the coolest thing that's ever happened to us at The Lost Ogle. It ranks just ahead of the time we wished a porn star would email us after a hard day's work on a porn studio.
Unfortunately, though, Ashlynn must have been tired from having sex all day, because she never really answered our Q & A. About two weeks after the exchange above, we received an email from Ashlynn. Only one question was answered. Check out the questions we sent to her, along with her one answer, after the jump.
Thanks so much for doing this special Q & A with us! You're by far our favorite actress from Oklahoma. Please stroke our ego and tell us how big of fan you are of The Lost Ogle!
I'm a huge fan! Anything that highlights cool stuff from my homestate is awesome to me!
(Editor's Note: Yep. That's the only answer we got. Boring. We even emailed her to see if the rest of the answers were accidentally deleted, but we never got a response back. Anyway, the rest of our questions are below.)
"¢ Take us back to the day that you decided you were going to leave town to pursue a career in "adult entertainment." Was it a tough decision? Were you discouraged or encouraged by friends and family?
"¢ You are from Choctaw. Other than eating at the German restaurant, is their anything to do out there? Also, do you currently live in Oklahoma?
"¢ When you are away from home, what's the one thing you miss the most?
"¢ What do you NOT miss? There has to be something.
"¢ We've heard you're a big OU fan. Do you ever go to games? What do you think about this year's team?
"¢ Who would you rather film a scene with: Bob Stoops or Sam Bradford?
"¢ Speaking of that, if you could shoot a scene anywhere in Oklahoma City, where would it be? I think the Milk Bottle building on Classen would be a good choice. Possibly even Mathis Brothers.
"¢ Technically, most of your work is "illegal" to sell in Oklahoma? Are you ever frustrated by how socially conservative Oklahoma can be?
"¢ Several popular adult film stars are from Oklahoma. Ladies like you, Jesse Jane, Stacy Valentine and even some girl named "Oklahoma." Are you friends with any of them? Any chance of you all can collaborate on a film together???
"¢ Where's the strangest place you've been recognized?
"¢ Who's the biggest celeb you've ever met?
"¢ Last summer, it was reported that you dated Alfonso Ribeiro, the actor who played Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Belle Aire. Any truth?
"¢ Have you ever met KWTV 9 Sports Anchor Dean Blevins? KOCO's Mark Rodgers may or may not have told us that Dean is a fan of your work.
"¢ Thanks again for doing this interview. One final question: who is your favorite weatherman?
So that's it. Seriously, I don't think those questions were too bad. Hell, they were actually kind of easy. It's not like I asked her out or anything, which is something I would never do, because I don't date porn stars.
Anyway, hopefully the next time we interview a porn star we'll have better luck getting our questions answered. Or maybe Ashlynn will feel sorry for us and be our friend and answer the questions. Who knows. Crazier things have happened...just ask Jesse Jane.