This past Saturday, over 20,000 people crammed the Midtown and Downtown streets to celebrate an early Halloween at the 2nd annual Ghouls Gone Wild Parade, which has quickly become one of the city's premier events.
Mixed in with all the parade watchers, flaming skeletons and costumed revelers was Oklahoma City's favorite cardboard cut-out, Mr. Carboard Jim Traber, who decided he would dress up as Brent Skarky attending a fetish ball. And just like he did at my party and at the Norman Music Festival, Cardboard Jim totally stole the show (or at least attempted to). And unlike his visit to the Oklahoma City Gay Pride Festival, he was not not nearly attacked by a militant lesbian.
Anyway, after the jump check out a bunch of the pictures we took of Jim with people at the parade. Be warned that since there are a bunch of images, it may take a while to load.

This is Jim with parade emcees Brent Weber and Andrew Speno. These guys actually did a really good job. The highlight was when they hit on the Roller Derby girls.
Anyway, for another week or so, Brent is the Channel 25 morning anchor until he becomes the full time Thunder sideline reporter. Andrew is the evening anchor for Channel 25. Back in July, we issued a demand for Channel 25 to get rid of Andrew and give his entire salary to Jaime Cerretta in hopes that it would get her to stick around. So far, neither Speno or Cerreta has left, so maybe they worked something out.

Cardboard Jim's favorite cereal is Captain Crunch. His second favorite is Cookie Crisp. Despite all that, he decided that posing for a picture with Frankberry wasn't that bad of an idea.

This girl got Cardboard Jim confused with Regular Jim. Fortunately, we were able to stop her in time. We then were able to hug her.

Unfortunately, we were not able to stop mini Darth Vader.

This is Jim with Major Tom. Cardboard Jim is a big David Bowie fan.

When Cardboard Jim was young, kids would dress up as pumpkins or ghosts for Halloween. Now they dress up like sluts and douche bags. Cardboard Jim thinks that is sad.

This yardbird was a bouncer for VIP seating at the parade. I don't think this guy could get a job as a bouncer at Lady Footlocker. Oh well, Gazette people are a happy bunch, so I guess bouncers probably were not needed.

This is Jim with Michael Ivens. Micheal is the bass player for The Flaming Lips and led the March of Flaming Skeletons. Jim told him that his favorite band is Men at Work. Michael didn't care.

I seriously thought this was JR Ross. I still kind of think it is.

This alien was part of a group with other aliens. I'm not sure if they won for best float, but they probably should have.

Cardboard Jim rejected the corn dog because he has a colon condition.

These outstanding individuals offered to help Cardboard Jim hitchhike to Dallas for the OU-Texas game.

"My! What big eyes you have!" is what Jim told the girl on the right.

This guy was dressed as a valet for Halloween. Cardboard Jim always uses the valet.

This picture was taken after Cardboard Jim instructed these youngsters how to break in a baseball glove.

These are some of Cardboard Jim's homeboys from Baltimore. They drink Iron City Brew with Jim.

Jim thought it was ironic that the skeletons at the parade haunted him like the ones found in his closet.

This guy tried to steal Cardboard Jim, but Cardboard fought back like he was attacking a Japanese baseball player.

I don't like playing match maker, but these girls should hook up with the guys below.

If, well, they dig girls.

The guy in the back creeped out Cardboard Jim.

This guy wasn't even dressed up and he was scary.

Cardboard Jim gave this guy the "Tackiest Costume" award.

This guy was in a picture with Jim at the Norman Music Festival. Maybe he's a stalker.

This guy dressed up as a Starlight Mints fan with a kid.

I'm pretty sure this is a guy from a Beastie Boys video and a girl wearing sun glasses at night.

The guy in yellow had to go the bathroom really really bad.

No clue.

This was Jim with a bunch of Republicans. Cardboard Jim is a staunch Republican.

Cardboard Jim loves fairies. His favorite fairy is the one in the lake from the Legend of Zelda.

The Devil wears Prada. Cardboard Jim wears Mossimo. The girl has really red eyes.

This guy's job was to keep people off the corner and to wear a really weird hat. He did well at both.

The guy with the beard had a crush on Cardboard Jim. Cardboard Jim was concerned.

Notice how you can't see the hands of the girl in the red dress? I'm just sayin...

This lady was dressed up as an ex-wife. Cardboard Jim doesn't like ex-wives.
Anyway, that's it for this round of The Travels of Cardboard Jim Traber. If you want to view a decent YouTube clip of the parade, click here. Have a safe, happy and drunk Halloween.