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Hot Girl a Day in the Month of May: Blythe at BeeSpot

When we came up with the idea for the "HGADITMOM" series, we figured it would be nice to throw a local female blogger into the mix. Our choices were:

"¢ Blythe at BeeSpot (obviously)

"¢ Elizabeth at Miss Wisabus

"¢ Jenni Carlson at

"¢ Maggie Carlo's "What Matters to You" blog at KOCO.

Our initial reaction was to go with Maggie, but then we realized that she does not allow comments on her blog, which probably explains why she never replied to Clark Matthews' love letters. Jenni Carlson lost her chance when she mentioned in The Gazette article that she had only been here a few times.

Eliminating those two left us with Blythe and Elizabeth. After much deliberation, we chose Blythe. What was the deciding factor? It appears that Blythe likes to drink. And I when I say drink, I mean she really likes to drink. She probably drinks as much as Brent Skarky looks in the mirror and masturbates. That's probably a lot.

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