In early March, the first ever game of Ogle Madness was played between the Richardson Home's Girl and the Diffee Kids. It ended in a tie. Now, about 7 weeks later, the championship game has finally arrived. Here it is:
(1) Amy McRee vs. (2) Lauren Richardson
This championship game should really be exciting. Basically, you have the established veteran vs. the young up and comer. Or better yet, the Pink Bikini vs. The Ice Cream Cone.
Anyway, read about them and cast your deciding vote after the jump. Voting will last until 6pm on Thursday.
(p.s. Thanks to everyone for participating and voting in Ogle Madness. Also, most of the Ogle Madness posts have been posted under my name, but Tony and Clark Matthews wrote most of the bios. Hell, Tony even took one for the team a couple of times and made some emergency posts while I was out drinking with drunk girls . So thanks to Tony and Clark Matthews, too.)
About (1) Amy McRee:

Conference: The Float the Illinois River League chill at Lake Arcadia league
Who she is: 10pm Anchor for KWTV Channel 9
Biggest Strength: Putting things in her mouth.
Biggest Weakness: Lack of piercings.
Fun Fact: You will often find her emceeing local events around town or playing in charity golf tournaments.
About (2) Lauren Richardson:
Conference: Local Media
Who she is: KOKH Reporter
Biggest Strength: Looks. Personality. Has a twin sister.
Biggest Weakness: Keeping her cherry in place. Log rolling.
Fun Fact: Lauren hails from the O.C. and is the daughter and granddaughter of professional golfers. To be clear, her father and grandfather are not the same person, sick-o!