When I got the idea to rank the Top 10 Flaming Lips Songs of all time, my original intention was to post it on January 13th, which just happens to be Wayne Coyne's birthday. Unfortunately, I kind of missed that deadline. So instead of waiting another 10 months to post it, I figured I would just wait until today. And why today? Because it is Flaming Lips bassist Michael Ivins' birthday.
The whole inspiration behind this post was to pay tribute to one of my favorite bands. However, I also am doing this because I'm a nice guy. You see, there are a bunch of people around town who like to brag about the Flaming Lips and name alleys after them and watch them perform at the centennial concert, but don't really know a damn thing about the Lips and their music. Hopefully, this will help them about a little bit.
(p.s. - Also, I'd like to thank Ryan from Oklahoma Rock and my friend Shanikan for their help with the poll.)
10. Race for the Prize The Soft Bulletin, 1999
Ryan really likes this song. I mean he really really likes it. Of course, he also likes Hinder, so maybe his opinion isn't worth much. (That's actually a really mean joke. Sorry.)
9. The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song At War With The Mystics, 2006
Attention all Oklahoma political elite who like to say they "dig" the Flaming Lips: This song is kind of about GW. And not in a good way.
8. Turn It On Transmissions From The Satellite Heart, 1993
Yeah. I think I remember buying this tape the summer before my sophomore year in high school. Obviously, I didn't buy the tape for this song, but it was my second favorite song on the tape. I figure that's worth something about 15 years later.
7. Fight Test Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, 2002
Yeah, click the little play button on the YouTube clip. You'll notice it's not the Flaming Lips performing Fight Test, but instead some I-going-to-go-crazy-someday dude playing a sad song that sounds a lot like Fight Test.
6. The W.A.N.D. At War With The Mystics, 2006
My perverted roommate sells printers and software at Dell. He hates this song, because apparently it is (or was) their hold music. Hard to believe, huh...
5. What Is The Light The Soft Bulletin, 1999
For some reason, this song always struck me as the best track on The Soft Bulletin masterpiece. Since it's one of my favorite albums ever, that's saying a lot.
4. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Part I Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, 2002
Not too many bands can write a catchy, poppy song about a friend dying of cancer, call it Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and make it all work. But the Lips can. That's why they are kind of special.
3. She Don't Use Jelly Transmissions From The Satellite Heart, 1993
Ahh, the song that got it all started...kind of. The funny thing about She Don't Use Jelly is that it got the band briefly labeled as one hit wonders. Also, a fun fact is that the song was nearly called The Mathis Brothers Don't Use Jelly. Not really. But that would be cool.
2. Shine On Sweet Jesus (Jesus Song No. 5) In A Priest Driven Ambulance, 1989
It's always good for a power poll like this to have a surprise number 2. And I hope this comes as a surprise. I was actually going to rank this song in the 5-7 range, but once I discovered that the music video was on YouTube, it shot up my list.
1. Do You Realize Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, 2002
I read somewhere that this song was the Imagine for my generation. Yeah, it's kind of a lofty comparison, but I'll buy it.
There you go. If you can:
A: Name and rank at least 10 Flaming Lips songs and
B: Have a problem with this list
C: Please let me know