Yeah. I must admit that I was pretty worried about the whole Ford Center Tax thing passing. I think the fears were due to two things:
1. Apparently all 27,000 people who voted "No!" tried to post a comment in defense of Wanda Jo Peltier.
2. I figured that I probably jinxed everything when I was actually quoted in a Seattle-Times article regarding the vote.
Anyway, now that the tax has passed, I am relieved. I am relieved that the whole NBA thing is pretty much out of our city's hands, and that if Seattle doesn't screw things up, that we will eventually have our own NBA team complete with our own cheerleaders freshening up in new-and-improved locker rooms. I am also relieved to know that Wando Jo will have to continue to spend $6 on every $600 she spends at Christie's Toy Box or Sam's Club or Los Tacos.