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OKC Media

The Local Media Is Bloggin’

Often when we are approached on the street, people say to us "Patrick/Tony/Clark, you obviously know a lot/are awesome/need to stop writing the Justice League. Can you tell us, which members of the local media have blogs that we should be reading?"

Today, we answer that question. After the jump, a media blog guide for all of you who want to know the best and the worst. They are rated on a scale of 10-stars (excellent) to 1-star (opposite of excellent).

Ten Star Blogs


Nine Star Blogs


Eight Star Blogs


Seven Star Blogs


Six Star Blogs


Five Star Blogs

Blogger: Toby Rowland

Blog Name: T-Row's Blog

About: Updated on a fairly consistent basis, and Toby manages to offer fairly interesting opinions about sports that aren't simply regurgitated conventional wisdom. He also manages to add a personal touch now and then. Major demerits for not properly acknowledging The Lost Ogle's domination in the Moral Victories category of his fantasy football league.

Interesting Post: T-Row, inspired by the movie The Bucket List, lists the ten places/events he'd like to see before he kicks the bucket.


Blogger: Steve Lackmeyer

Blog Name: OKC Central

About: This blog focuses on downtown OKC and show the most promise of any media blog. The only thing holding it back is the potential for updates to start lagging, which has been a common theme among blogs. Thusfar, though, Lackmeyer has written every weekday and his posts have been interesting and informative. However, we are a little scared at the alleged Steve Lackmeyer impostor that has been lurking around these parts.

Interesting Post: Just check out this post on how the Gold Dome was saved.

Four Star Blogs

Blogger: Maggie Carlo

Blog Name: What Matters To You

About: Admittedly, the material covered here is not really our cup of tea. But Maggie Carlo has a specific niche she writes about, and manages to come up with new content on a regular basis. Features lots of exclamation points.

Interesting Post: In this one Maggie welcomes a new dog to her family, and admits to having stepped on him "several times."

Three Star Blogs

Blogger:KOCO's Sports Staff

Blog Name: The Sports Xtra Blog

About: Awhile back Patrick chided Channel 5 for never updating their blog. They promised to update it more regularly, and they do, but it still reads as if it's just something they hand out to the low man on the totem pole. It doesn't seem that their heart is really in it.

Interesting Post: Daniel Holdge, inspired by the movie The Bucket List, lists the twelve sports things he'd like to see/do before he kicks the buc... wait. Really? Where have I heard this before?

Two Star Blogs

Blogger: Dean Blevins

Blog Name:

About: Deano gives his thoughts on sports and the sweat-drenched biceps of Rafael Nadal. He tries hard, we'll give him that. His posts are much longer than the other sports guys listed here, and his opinions are sometimes thought-provoking. It's just... really hard to read. There are way too many puns (Fiasco Bowl, Les Mileage) and weirdly/incorrectly put-together phrases (SOONERS DISPROVE OF JIMMY BUFFETT).

Interesting Post: Deano suggests Malcolm Kelly could have played in Fiesta Bowl but didn't because an NFL player advised him against it.

One Star Blogs

Blogger: Mr. Monday

Blog Name: It's Mr. Monday's Blog

About: We like Mr. Monday's sense of humor, and even suggested he get his own blog on Eventually, he did, taunting us in the process. He started off strong. And then, Mr. Monday turned into Mr. Noday (thanks, Deano! Puns rule!). The blog hasn't been updated since November. People often think blogging is easy, but it's hard to churn out regular content. That's why our previous endeavors (,, and JohnnyRoss' all failed.

Interesting Post: Tony heartily endorses Mr. Monday's list of the top-5 entertainers in the world.

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