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Oklahoma Students Quizzed on Normalcy of Sexual Kinks and Pleasures…

Here’s a story that will make you blush… and/or make you question whether you're sexually normal.

Earlier this week, a psychology quiz that asked explorative Waurika High students to answer questions determining the normality of various sexual kinks and pleasures made its way across the Internet.

Here are details via Texoma’s own KFDX News Channel 3:

Some Jefferson County parents are outraged after a sexually explicit questionnaire was assigned to Waurika High School students.

On Monday, March 3, students in a WHS psychology class were assigned a 30-item survey asking them to answer which sexually explicit activity was normal or not.

Photos of the assignment have been shared hundreds of times on social media, leaving parents with more questions than answers.

I did a quick social media search and found a copy of the quiz, and, yeah, it feels like it should be more of Patricia’s customer survey than something sent home with a high school kid for them and their friends to laugh at.

Here are the first 15 questions:


First of all, I like how the student had to prematurely evacuate the quiz at question 8. I wonder what happened. Were they embarrassed, turned on, or simply confused as to whether or not a futon counts as a bed?

Second, when did fantasizing about a person other than one's partner during sexual intercourse become abnormal? If that were the case, I'm pretty sure Ryan Walters wouldn't be the father to any children.

Anyway, I don’t know if I should change my name to Patrick the Perverse, but I counted 12 of the items on that list as being “Normal.”

I won’t let you know which ones got the “No” treatment, but I will say that I think voluntary celibacy should be treated as a psychological disorder. I mean, Sex at Dawn is in our DNA, right?

Here are the remaining 15 questions:


I don’t know if you should change my name to Patrick the Pious, but I only had five “Normals” in that grouping.

If you’re like Clark Matthews—hey, a Clark Matthews reference—and had a couple more, don’t feel too ashamed. That’s fine. Determining whether or not something is sexually “normal” is highly subjective.

For example, maybe you’re like our president and enjoy the golden things in life, or maybe you're like that Edmond cam girl we wrote about yesterday and... well... never mind.

Not surprisingly, the right-wing, anti-public ed, MAGA troll mafia has latched onto the quiz and quickly used it to exploit and support the “ThEy’Re InDoCtRiNaTiNg KiDs AnD PuTtInG PoRn In ScHoOlS” narrative.

Ryan Walters—a huge fan of masturbating after marriage—shared the quiz on Twitter and vowed to get to the bottom of it:


Yep, don’t worry, folks. Ryan Walters is going to “comprehensively” investigate the issue. I guess if you hear his familiar voice calling into the Sunday Night Sex Show, that will explain why.

His post was quickly RT’d and echoed across the MAGA-right world by the Libs of TikTok lady:


Despite the tough words from Ryan and his paramour, it should be noted that the district quickly apologized. They did this despite the questions being found in the state-approved psychology curriculum:

Here are details via KFOR:

Waurika Public Schools Superintendent Cody Simmons shared in a statement to parents and district stakeholders that the district was made aware of a form that was sent out to the high school psychology class on Monday. Simmons called the content of the form “inappropriate” and said it never should have been given to the students. Simmons said the curriculum was removed from class and all parents were notified Monday as well…

Simmons shared on Wednesday that the assignment was taken from a state-approved psychology curriculum…

News 4 learned, in addition to the active investigation underway, that the questionnaire did come from a state-approved textbook. The textbook and curriculum were approved by OSDE in 2019-2020 under the previous administration.

Yep, the questions were apparently approved by Team Hofmeister. That’s interesting. I knew Joy was cool, but I didn’t know she was that cool.

Anyway, I guess I’ll wrap this up and maybe schedule an appointment with a psychologist.

In the meantime, here’s what we’ve learned today:

  • Oklahoma public schools have an uncanny talent for handing easy ammunition to the anti-public school crowd.
  • Waurika students probably know more about sexual deviance than their parents would like to admit.
  • Whether I’m Patrick the Perverse or Patrick the Pious, I now have a fresh appreciation for the phrase different strokes for different folks.

Also, if you’re bored, why not take the quiz yourself? Tally up your “Normals” and “Not Normals,” then drop your score in the comments. Just know that if your number is suspiciously high—or if you start passionately defending the honor of futons—I’ll be quietly judging you from the safety of my very normal bed. Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.

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