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Edmond Porn Star Arrested on Bestiality Charges…

With all due respect to our friends in Florida, I don’t think there’s any state in the U.S. that can rival Oklahoma—at least on a per capita basis—when it comes to producing sick, disgusting, and bizarre-headline-generating news stories that make you laugh, cry, and throw up in your mouth all at the same time.

After all, we are the state of Joe Exotic, the Cannibal Castrators, and now, apparently, Christina Stokes.

Christina is an amateur porn starlet from Edmond who apparently peforms by the name “Hafwin” and has racked up millions of views across various amateur online porn sites—most of which require a VPN, incognito tab and personal crisis to browse. From livestreams to pre-recorded content to enjoying the Edmond weather, she seemed to be doing well for herself… until she decided to bring her Great Dane into the mix.

According to KOKH Fox 25, Stokes was recently arrested by Edmond PD on bestiality charges after she shared a video of herself having sexual relations with her dog online.

Here’s her mugshot:

And because reality insists on making things worse, here are some pics of her cosplaying as Scooby-Doo characters.

Yikes! “Ruh-roh, Shaggy,” indeed.

According to KOKH Bestiality Beat reporter DeAngelo Marquise Vaxter, Edmond police learned about Stokes’ bestiality videos through a tip, which had to make for one incredibly awkward phone call:

“Edmond police. How may I direct your call?”

“Uh, hey, officer… so I was just, uhm, casually scrolling through some online videos, and—uhm—is there a way I can do this anonymously?”

"Your voice sounds familiar. Is this Brent Skarky?"

After receiving the tip, the Edmond PD grabbed a barf bag and began their investigation. Here are the details via KOKH:

The Edmond Police Department received a tip on September 24, 2024, from someone stating a woman was on video having sex with her dog.

Investigators watched the 15-minute-long video on a pornographic website.

The investigator over the case said he saw a white female wearing a dark-colored half-face mask with feathers on top and tassels on the side. He said the dog in the video appeared to be a brown Great Dane wearing a blue collar.

According to the affidavit, the video depicted graphic sexual acts between the woman and the dog. Police say they also found another pornographic video the woman made with the dog and uploaded to a different pornography website.

Basically, there are two victims in this story—the Great Dane… and the poor police investigator who had to watch the 15-minute video! Seriously, I hope that officer gets hazard pay, a lifetime supply of bleach for his eyeballs, and the ability to ever go to a dog park again.

According to police, Stokes did a bad job denying the video evidence and was arrested and charged with various crimes, including publishing or distributing obscene material, animal cruelty, and crimes against nature.

On the scene, Stokes was interviewed about the video. Officials said that she denied making the videos and said she is not "f" her dog.

When asked if she ever had sexual relations with her dog, she reportedly paused for about 10 seconds and said, "I can't say an interest hadn't been there."

Then, she paused again and asked what was going to happen.

Stokes was placed under arrest around 9:33 a.m.

Listen. If someone asks if you’ve ever had sexual relations with your dog, and you have to stop and think about it for 10 seconds, you probably shouldn’t be allowed to live within 1,000 feet of a PetSmart, veterinarian clinic, or doggy daycare… much less own a dog.

Anyway, I guess we’ll continue to follow this story, which will probably get a lot of clicks because it’s A) sick and disgusting, and B) involves an Edmond porn star.

In the meantime, check back next week when Oklahoma inevitably finds a way to outdo itself. We all know it’s coming.

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