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Sean Cummings gives special award to Derplahoman lawmaker…

Although State Rep. Justin Humphrey is mounting a standout, last-ditch effort to secure a victory, the frontrunner in the annual race to introduce the most mean-spirited and insanely dumb bill during Legipalooza 2025 still belongs to Lisa Standridge—the CINO (Christian in Name Only) State Senator from Norman.

As we reported on Tuesday, Lisa is the mastermind behind the aptly titled "What Would Jesus Not Do" Homeless Relocation Act—a moronic piece of legislation that would prohibit cities with populations under 300,000 from providing services to the homeless.

Naturally, the bill has sparked outrage and negative publicity for Oklahoma all over the globe, which seems to delight Derplahomans as much as hearing a homeless person was hit by a car on the highway.

To celebrate Lisa’s achievement—and the dubious name she’s making for herself—our pal Sean Cummings took it upon himself to visit the Capitol yesterday, and surprise her with cupcakes, flowers, and a special certificate honoring her as “The Worst Person in Oklahoma.”

Check this out:

That’s pretty awesome. If you want to watch the full video, where Sean spends a couple of minutes detailing why Lisa and her bill are so incredibly dumb, you can check it out on Sara Bana’s Facebook page.

Here’s a copy of the certificate:

I think the names Sean included at the bottom of the certificate are random and fake, which is a shame, because he really missed an opportunity to sneak in a Stu Pidasso or Hugh Janus.

That said, my only real complaint is that Sean also named Lisa the “Worst Mom in Oklahoma.” Sure, her vilification of the homeless makes her a deserving contender, but let’s not forget about Aubrianna Freemans, Stephanie Dentons, and the other derelict, abusive moms who proudly call Oklahoma home.

"But Patrick, wouldn’t that make those women worse people, too?"

Based on what I’ve read in news stories, I’m pretty sure they’re moms, but I’m not sure I’d classify them as “people.”

Anyway, I’d like to thank Sean for making this video. I’m reaching out to his agent, Kit Fairchild, to see if we can add him to the TLO iTeam 5000—our dream squad of gonzo journalists, ready to storm the city if a rich person ever bankrolls us.

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.

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