It looks like someone hasn’t gotten over the cold shoulder they received from the Trump administration.
After failing to land a coveted spot in the MAGA big leagues – primarily because he put his eggs in the wrong presidential basket – Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has apparently decided to channel his frustration and disappointment into a new hobby: firing his own cabinet members via social media for doing their job.
Here are details via The Frontier:
Gov. Kevin Stitt fired Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment Ken McQueen via social media on Tuesday, halfway through the first day of a federal court evidentiary hearing in Tulsa on the state’s decades-long lawsuit against several Arkansas poultry companies over degradation of the Illinois River watershed.
McQueen, who remained at the hearing for the rest of the day, sitting in the jury box, said he learned of his firing from the social media post. McQueen said neither Stitt nor his aides ever instructed him not to attend the hearing, and the firing came as a surprise.
“At the end of the day, I feel I need to be true to myself and my statutory obligations,” McQueen said. “Oklahoma has a lot to do for water quality.”
Geeze, what a dufus, huh?
Was Ken not aware that the last thing Stitt wants out of his cabinet members is for them to fulfill their statutory obligations and represent the Oklahoma people? They’re supposed to be obstructionist “Yes Men (and Women)” who support and back the governor first, and his grifter buddies second. They’re not supposed to take their job seriously and do the right thing!
Here’s what the Governor said about his temper tantrum firing:

Yep, that’s right.
It’s the conservative fighter pilot attorney general and a guy who made his fortune in the oil and gas industry who are the radical environmental extremists here. It’s not the dopey governor who supports cockfighting and makes the preposterous claim that farmers and landowners are fine with poultry producers polluting our land and waterways.
As Mayor Mick would say, “That’s Chicken Stitt!”
After the hearing, the media caught up with Attorney General Gentner Drummond – Stitt’s political rival – to get his thoughts on the situation.
“Water doesn’t make political donations. Poultry does.”
That’s a clever line, but Gentner shouldn’t sell himself short.
Although Stitt’s love for big business and campaign donors likely played a role, let’s be honest: the real reason McQueen was canned was because he was seen in the same room as Gentner Drummond—a treasonous act for any cabinet secretary.
Then again, maybe Stitt’s priorities are less about politics and more about fulfilling some ancient prophecy of his birdman ancestors. How else do you explain siding with poultry farms over the very rivers Oklahomans float on every summer?

Anyway, whether it’s his apparent disdain for clean water, his obsession with silencing dissent, or his birdman upbringing, Stitt continues to show us exactly where his priorities lie—and they’re not with the people he was elected to serve.
For the “extremists” out there who still care about things like breathable air, drinkable water, and not swimming in poultry waste, this latest stunt is yet another reminder of why we need competent leaders who value accountability over loyalty, substance over showmanship, and humans over bird shit.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.