There’s been a strong disturbance in the Oklahoma severe weather force.
Last week, Cassie Heiter – the chipmunkishly cute and charming morning meteorologist for KWTV News 9 – announced she’s fleeing the channel’s volatile, unstable atmosphere for the hot and spicy airwaves of WFAA Channel 8 in Dallas.
Check this out:
Wow. That stinks.
If Lacey Swope is the Oklahoma weather scene’s tomboyish Mary Ann, Cassie is its Ginger – a fancied-up star who wore pretty clothes, shiny jewelry, and, at least for a brief minute, jet-set around the world with one of the metro’s most notorious douchebags:

Yep, Cassie once dated the Dippin Dots dude. Fortunately for Cassie's health, safety, and mental well-being, it was only a three-hour tour.
As Cassie’s Instagram post mentioned, she’ll apparently stay with News 9 through January, which – being a short-timer – means she'll likely be sent to NW Expressway and Macarthur with a ruler and cameraman for snow-measuring live shot duty if we have a December winter weather apocalypse.
I have to admit, it's kind of surprising News 9 is letting her hang around.
Usually, when its on-air talent leaves for a new market, News 9 lets them disappear like a mobile home being sucked into a tornado. The fact they’re letting Cassie hang around for a bit either shows the mark she left on this market or, more likely, the volumes of blackmail she has on the Griffin family.
Either way, we’d like to wish Cassie the best of luck in this new chapter of her green-screen journey.
The good news is she’s only moving down to Dallas, so whenever Oklahomans head there to visit family or shop at Buc-ee’s or IKEA, there’ll be another familiar face – à la Rick Mitchell or Peyton Yeager – on TV to make them feel like they’re in a bigger, better and more expensive home away from home.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.