Last week, the Oklahoma Board of (Theocratical) Education held its monthly board meeting inside the packed, uncomfortable, and not very cozy confines underneath the Oliver Hodge Building.
Somewhat surprisingly, the meeting wasn’t as big of a shit show as the typical affair, partly due to Oklahoma AG Gentner Drummond – one of the few remaining reasonable, non-theocrat conservatives in the Oklahoma government – continuing to flex his muscle over Oklahoma Education Superintendent.
In case you missed the latest episode of "As the Board Turns," Drummond pulled a sneaky move by opting not to renew the contract of the Board’s outside legal counsel, Cara Nicklas.
For those not keeping score in the Oklahoma Evangelical legal league, Nicklas hails from Ryan’s hometown of McAlester and led the charge against the Methodist church's attempt to be more, well, Christ-like and inclusive.

Anyway, Nicklas has consistently acted as a rubber stamp for Ryan and the State Board, and dismissed the AG’s guidance on public meetings in order to help Ryan and Co. continue to wage war on the agency from within.
To replace Niclas, Gentner sent them Brad Clark – a seasoned Oklahoma public education lawyer who loyally served under the sane and competent former Superintendent Joy Hofmeister.
Having an unexpected "enemy" at the gates seemed to throw Ryan and the Board off their game, leading them to table all pressing matters.
Here’s how the illegitimate news hounds at KFOR – welcome back! – reported the drama:
Barely any action was taken at Thursday’s Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting after Attorney General Gentner Drummond denied renewing the contract for the OSBE’s attorney.
“I’m here as your counsel for today,” said Brad Clark, from the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office…
State Superintendent Ryan Walters seemed surprised by the move, as he said they were only given a day’s notice to fill in Nicklas’ spot.
That’s fun!
While it's a bit of a letdown that Drummond didn't go full throttle and push for a grand jury to indict Ryan Walters a few weeks ago, it's still satisfying to see him A) fight the good fight for Oklahoma students, and B) continue to fuck with Ryan Walters!
Seriously, that's about all the general public can ask for, right? Maybe at the next meeting, Gentner will have Clark sip coffee from the Harbor Mountain Coffee House or subtly scratch his chin with his middle finger—just to keep things interesting.

Obviously, Ryan and the State Board aren't thrilled about having a trusted lieutenant of both Joy Hofmeister and Gentner Drummond as their legal counsel. So, they're on the hunt for someone else to help them undermine Oklahoma public education from within.
Lucky for us, they've got someone in mind who seems perfect for the job.
Via Oklahoma Voice:
The board could choose to hire a different outside attorney or rely on a lawyer from the Attorney General’s Office, Drummond wrote in a letter to the Education Department. Clark said the AG’s staff charges a cheaper rate than most law firms to provide legal services to state boards.
The board members also expressed interest in having the Education Department’s general counsel, Michael Beason, become their legal representative.
Yep, that’s right! The Board of Education wants to hire Walters' new favorite attorney, Michael Beason—the charlatan dandy attorney with the questionable legal acumen and the intriguing sleeve tattoo.

For what it’s worth, Beason might just be the perfect hire—a real win-win for both the pro- and anti-public education crowds.
The anti-public education zealots will love him because he'll likely be another rubber stamp for Walters, disregarding sound legal principles to further their agenda against public schools.
On the flip side, supporters of public education might appreciate the move because, based on past performances, Beason doesn't exactly exude competence!
Even if Drummond's tactics only slow down Ryan Walters' mission to dismantle Oklahoma public education, we owe him a small thanks for continuing to stand up for what's right.
Sure, he may be a life-long Republican who takes a hard-right stance on issues like abortion, immigration and other issues, but it’s nice to see a conservative Oklahoma politician actually fight for our institutions, ensure we have a functional government, and not go out of his way to pander to demagogues, fascists and other Evangelical conservatives.
You know, as opposed to other guys.

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.