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Ryan Walters Hired a Lawyer Who Can’t File a Lawsuit Correctly…

With Ryan Walters facing heavy heat from the Oklahoma House, Attorney General's Office, and now even the Federal Government, you’d think one of his priorities would be hiring a solid, knowledgeable attorney to help him clean up the many messes he and his saboteurs have intentionally created.

Hehe. Just kidding.

Since Ryan’s goal is to destroy public education from the inside through willful incompetence and sabotage, hiring the worst possible attorney – one who excels in producing flawed legal interpretations and clerical errors – would be the smart way for him to go.

On that note, let’s give Ryan a huge A+. His new OSDE attorney – Michael Beason – is hitting the ball out of the park!

We told you about Michael a few weeks ago. He’s the charlatan dandy with the fancy Latin tattoo that he likes to show off when booking the “right-wing edgelord boudoir” session at Glamour Shots.

The tattoo on his arm translates to “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

I’m sure his Oath Keeper and Moms For Liberty buddies get a kick out of it, but instead of preparing for war, maybe it’s time for Michael to simply brush up on civil procedures!

Fresh off his flawed and incorrect legal interpretation of Oklahoma’s school security bill – one that inspired House Republicans to request an impeachment investigation into Ryan’s shenanigans – Michael made a bonehead clerical blunder that could impact one of the various lawsuits Ryan is facing.

Via The Oklahoman:

An apparent mistake by the lead attorney for the Oklahoma State Department of Education might keep a lawsuit over state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters’ Bible-teaching mandate in state court.

A federal judge has given the agency and its general counsel, Michael Beason, until Aug. 26 to explain why the case shouldn’t be remanded back to state court because of the error."

You can read all the details at The Oklahoman, but the general gist is Beason misfiled the lawsuit in the wrong federal court district, using the case number from a different lawsuit entirely.

Now, I’m not an attorney – I just pretend to be one when hitting on women at bars – but shouldn’t a lawyer know how to file the correct case in the correct court before they get hired to serve as general counsel for one of the state’s largest agencies? It seems like something they’d teach at law school.

It makes you wonder – is Beason that bad of a lawyer, or is he simply doing his boss's bidding?

Through both actions and inactions, Ryan’s made it very clear he doesn’t care about Oklahoma Public Schools and wants to see them fail. Perhaps he instructed Beason to misinterpret Oklahoma school security funding procedures so they could score more press and liberal outrage? Maybe Ryan wants to stall the Bible case so it will get more attention and Fox News interviews.

Then again, maybe Beason did all this so he can be brought on at the firm that sued the wrong contractor for $80 million.

Regardless of whether it’s intentional or not, I guess it’s equally soothing and terrifying to know that we have a guy like Beason leading the legal charge at OSDE.

On one hand, it’s good to know we have a guy who can’t file a case correctly leading Ryan’s wacky legal defenses. On the other hand, it’s scary to see what this legal mastermind may think of next, or how his screw-ups – whether staged or accidentally – will hurt Oklahoma kids.

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