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Tulsa King Recap: “Visitation Place” (Ep. 1.4)

It's another week of Tulsa King – the Oklahoma-centric streaming story about a Mafia capo, freshly rehabilitated and out of prison, finding himself in the world of Tulsa’s (somewhat) criminal underground.

When we last left our protagonist Dwight, a masked gunman tries to shoot him dead on Dewey Ave., with sympatric strange from his ATF sidepiece as consolation. Eventually, he finds the man that shot at him…with his kids in tow.

Now let's move on to...


Episode: "Visitation Place"(Ep. 1.4)

The Plot: Dwight (Sylvester Stallone) ambushes Armand (Max Casella) in his house. After a somewhat civil conversation, he finds out who double-crossed him in prison. While Dwight deals with that, Armond is left with an irritated wife.

Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi bikers are not down with Tyson (Jay Will) and Bohdi (Martin Starr) selling nitrous oxide as party favors, necessitating a beat-down. A pinky-ring is questioned by Tyson’s father, and Dwight’s younger brother on his deathbed.

The Review:  I never knew the nitrous oxide game is deadly in Oklahoma, but if the world of Tulsa King is to be believed, I think T-Town is prepping for a moderately-uplifting war! After the neo-Nazis and their enterprise of 80s party drugs are dispelled by Stallone and his outfit, I am excited for where this storyline takes us.

After the War of the Poppers, I expected the storyline about Armand and last week’s drive-by to amount to something else. Instead, Tulsa King adds him to Stallone’s anti-rouges gallery of outsiders, with proven results. With Armand and his denouement of the neighbor’s dog pooping in his yard, the violent end seemly somewhat justified the messy coda.

But what got me is the surprising storyline of Dwight’s ex-wife (Annabella Sciorra) and his estranged baby-brother on this deathbed, with Stallone and his tear-ducts stoically breaking down while he intones about his brother and the loneliness waiting for him.

It was a real tearjerker, and the next-weeks blurb looks like that is where it takes us. I am packed and ready to go!

Best Line: “He’s a Creek Indian with a staring problem…a serious staring problem.” – Bohdi (Martin Starr)

Stallone Moment: Armed with baseball bats, Stallone and his compatriots give a brutal beatdown to the trashy bikers.

Oklahoma City Cameo: I'm pretty sure parts of the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds were made up to look like the "Tulsa Fairgrounds," but other than that, I don't notice any specific OKC sights and sounds cosplaying as Tulsa. Did you spot any? Let me know in the comments!


Follow Louis on Twitter at @LouisFowler and Instagram at @louisfowler78.

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