Mind your words, my fellow Oklahomans! Last week, The Frontier published a piece detailing reports that our esteemed Governor Kevin Stitt is tired of the “fearmongering” Oklahoma medical professionals are engaging in during the pandemic. Author Ben Felder later told KFOR that hospital personnel, “definitely feel frustration from the governor.”
Well, I don’t blame Stitt for also being frustrated! If I had to spend all day combating reports of increasing COVID-19 cases or decreasing hospital capacity, I’d be frustrated, too. So, here’s 7 ways we can do our part in decreasing “fearmongering” about COVID-19 in Oklahoma!

Don’t Blow the COVID-19 Positive Cases Out of Proportion
Instead, use Governor Stitt’s tried and true method of selecting a four-day period to quote as your “average” so maybe the number of cases appear smaller. Might I suggest going a step further and selecting 4 non-continuous days, such as March 1st, March 5th, November 6th, and November 27th so the 4-day average is “zero cases.”

We Can’t Keep Complaining About “Preventable Deaths”
What’s done is done and Stitt can’t admit he was wrong about personal responsibility being effective go back on his word and roll back restrictions. So, we need to stop complaining about these so-called, “preventable deaths.” I’m looking at you, White House Coronavirus Task Force.

No Hyping Up Limited Hospital Capacity
So, what if hospitalizations have been hovering at a record numbers and Oklahoma is almost at the highest level of the hospital surge plan? We aren’t there yet, so stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

Stop Making a Big Deal Out of Stitt’s Mask Habits
Whether it’s going maskless to Walmart and a small business before finding out he was COVID-19 positive or wearing a mask below his nose and chin at an airport, we need to stop getting on to Stitt about his mask habits. It’s starting to get on his nerves.

In Fact, Just Quit Talking About Mask Mandates
So what if areas of Oklahoma that have mask mandates have significantly slower growth rate of COVID-19 cases than areas without them? If Stitt has taught us anything by improperly or flat-out refusing to wear a mask, it's that we Oklahomans just need to accept that some Oklahomans will be taking more “personal responsibility” than others.

Don’t Act Like Stitt Just Isn’t Doing His Job
Everyone keeps accusing our esteemed governor of shirking his responsibilities as if he didn’t institute a whole-ass statewide day of prayer and fasting a couple of weeks ago.

Healthcare Workers Should Just Stop Being Stressed
Healthcare personnel just need to stop stressing out and complaining about every little thing. Besides, according to Stitt he felt fine when he had the virus. You know what’s really a stressful job? Having to come up with so many excuses and alleged "facts" to pretend like you’re doing your job as governor.
Wearing masks and full of sass. Follow Hayley on twitter @squirrellygeek and become a contributing member of TLO here.