Out of all the nutjob Oklahoma lawmakers who have given us material to write about over the past three or four years, nobody has done a better job than State Senator Paul Scott.
Whether he was playing juvenile pranks on newly-elected Senators, making fun of a constituent's family members on Facebook, sharing hysterical sexual assault memes, targeting low-income pregnant women with draconian legislation, or simply complaining about our "stupid" articles that made fun of his stupid thoughts, he's a Derplahoman content-well that keeps on giving.
As a result of his embarrassing behavior and antics, we probably shouldn't be surprised that Sen. Scott is now facing a couple of primary challengers in the upcoming election. We also shouldn't be surprised that multiple Ogle Moles have reached out to us this week, providing a 2019 Newcastle Police report that documents a traffic stop where Sen. Scott pulled a Ron Burgandy-inspired "Do You Know Who I Am?" to try to get out of a speeding ticket.
Check it out:

As I documented above, there are lots of reasons not to vote for or support a guy like Paul Scott, but can we really blame him for trying to use his power and privilege to get out of a speeding ticket? Outside of enriching your own business, I always thought getting special treatment from law enforcement was a perk of the job.
Although his attempt at "I'm kind of a big deal" didn't work on the officer, Sen. Scott – a man of high character and values and a proud supporter of law enforcement – was obviously kind and courteous to the officer, and thanked him for his service to the city of Newcastle... right???

Wow. Can you believe a guy who allegedly supports the police would be a dick to the police when they're simply doing their job? Since Paul Scott appears to be a massive hypocrite, the answer is, "Yes."
Although Scott was issued a ticket, I can't find it in OSCN like all his other speeding violations – it's almost like it mysteriously disappeared – but you can view the full report here. Maybe Gene helped him get out of it, or perhaps the judge was impressed with his State Senator badge and dismissed it. If anyone knows what happened, send us an email.