On Sunday afternoon, following Tiger's historic Masters victory, some genius hired one of those yard decorating companies to swing by Regular Jim Traber's house and troll him for his highly publicized / massively wrong bet.
Here's a pic:

Naturally, Regular Jim Traber responded to the prank in the most Regular Jim Traber way possible – He took down the sign display and wouldn't give it back.
Check out this Facebook post shared by the owner of the company that installed the message. It's since been deleted but we have screenshots:

Wow. We all know Regular Jim Traber is the ultimate hypocrite and a spineless amoeba crybaby, but that takes things to a whole new level. You'd think a guy who failed so miserably at professional baseball, and has been routinely poked, prodded and heckled throughout his life, would have thicker skin by now, and not take out his anger and aggression on the messenger like it was a billy-goat crossing a bridge.
The Facebook post was shared over 1,000 times and makes Jim look about as horrible as possible, which considering this is Jim Traber we're talking about, is quite an accomplishment.
As a result, Trabes addressed the controversy on the show today. He tried to justify it as one big misunderstanding. He claimed that he wasn't familiar with how these greeting sign companies worked (which is hard to believe), and that he was under the impression that he owned the display materials that were left in his yard (which is harder to believe.)
Jim said this unfamiliarity led to him removing the display signs from his yard and tossing them into dumpster, which I guess is why he wouldn't give them back when Jodi stopped by his house to retrieve them. He then blabbered on for a bit, offered a semi-apology, and in a last-ditch effort to save whatever is left of his reputation, offered to pay for the apparently unretrievable signs he threw into the dumpster.
Of course, that's what Jim said on the radio. If you put a truth serum in him, he'd probably say he's just an insecure, think-skinned punk who can't take a joke and throws temper tantrums any time he loses. He'd then admit he's a pathetic sissy bully who can dole out criticism, but can't take it in. He then probably tell himself to say that to his face, punk.