A few weeks ago, I profiled two rural pizza chains—Hunt Brothers and Simple Simon’s—learning more about both franchises than really I needed to. But, still, many people commented and sent e-mails that I shouldn’t stop there, naming off their favorite satellites of cheesy love far and wide in grocery stores, mall kiosks and, of course, convenience stores, for me to also compare and contrast.
The two that Oklahoma Cityans kept bringing up—and the two that are relatively close in distance to me—were 7-Eleven’s Capital City and, surprisingly, Love’s comeback kid, Godfather’s Pizza; the Capital City product is a main feature of the new MegaCityOne-esque 7-Elevens that are slowly making their way across the city, while I’ve only seen the return of Godfather’s Pizza at the Love’s on the corner of N. Penn and W. Hefner. Order some slices and play along!
Over the past month or so, I visited these two urban suppliers of pizza pie, making the rueful decision of who got the best better mass of cheese and dough for those on the go. Living in a city that has both corporate giants like Pizza Hut and Papa John’s, down to indie joints like Empire and Hideaway, and other local chains within inches of us at all times, I can understand the need to sometimes just sit in your car at a gas station with a lone slice, gently nibbling as the tears stream down…here’s where you’ll get the best better taste for your money or, really, lack thereof.
7- Eleven’s Capital City

Over the last decade, large filling stations such as QuikTrip and OnCue have become de rigueur for speedy fill-ups, both in gasoline and cheap snacks. Never one to be left out, convenience pioneer 7-Eeven has taken up the mass-gas cause, slowly blanketing Oklahoma City with massive stores. Delivering a much-deserved lower price for fuel, they also have a lower price—one dollar burritos and sandwiches—for many of their eats as well.

Their made-in-store brand, however, has slowly taken over the market, unleashing Capital City all over this capital city, with their hot and ready pizza being a constant bestseller. And, if I’m being honest, I can really see why: there’s always fresh slices loaded in the warmers, handmade with a variety of little things that even the big boys won’t do.

The slice I picked up from the 7-Eleven at 7 NE 36th Street, was two for $5.00, but I went ahead and opted-out, getting my single slice of pepperoni for $2.99. Besides being mostly hot to the touch, the top layer of cheese was mildly gooey and covered in a flaky mess of herbs and spices, something that was unexpected but completely welcomed. The crust was a little too thick and pretty flavorless, but all in all, a very decent slice of pizza.
Love’s Godfather’s Pizza

I have to admit something: I’ve actually never had Godfather’s Pizza. But I certainly remember their commercials that ran constantly on UHF television, with the Don’s catchphrase of “Do it!” at the end of the sixty seconds, but it seemed as if the Omaha company disappeared for many years, at least in Oklahoma City. For it to appear again in, of all places, in a Love’s, was apparently cause for much rejoicing by its fans.

Utilizing a small portion of the Subway kitchen at the Love’s on 10875 N. Penn Avenue, the day I visited Godfather’s they had an offer I really couldn’t refuse: a micro-serving pizza in the warmer, marked two dollars off, which happily cost me about a buck. The one main problem though? It was a little too well done on top and, even worse, left in the warmer just a little too long. But, you know, for a dollar, I’m really not going to complain. Or at least complain that much.

I don’t know how Godfather’s used to be, but this incarnation is…well, just okay. Actually, the singed topping really didn’t bother me as much as the thick, solid crust that was a bit of a carby monster to get through. They did, however, give me a couple of parmesan cheese and red pepper packets that made things mostly alright, but even at a dollar it’s—no, scratch that—it’s totally worth it for a dollar.
The Verdict
While you truthfully can’t beat a dollar personal pie—and sweet Lord have I tried—as far as pure deliciousness goes, hands down I’ve got to give it to 7-Eleven’s Capital City slice of ‘za. Covered with rich dense cheese and great spicy toppings, if you don’t mind paying $2.99—or two for $5.00, if you go there now—you probably can’t do much better. As far as gas station pizza goes, that is.
Unless, of course, as I’ve said before, they have those deep-fried BBQ burritos; even though I have to, you really shouldn’t pass them briskety-bombs of burrito-badness up, alright? Cómpralo ya!
Follow Louis on Twitter at @LouisFowler and Instagram at @louisfowler78.