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Trump is coming after our weathermen!!!

One of the great ironies of Trump's presidency is that most of his policies do not help the lower-income, poorly educated, probably racist supporters who helped elect him president and flocked to his populist, fake news-themed rallies. In fact, Trump seems to want to economically punish his supporters. Not help them.

Knowing that, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that Trump is now coming after one of Oklahoma's most valuable commodities – weathermen!


The Trump administration has introduced proposals to cut several, federal-funded agencies. One of the agencies is the National Weather Service.

“For some bizarre reason, the president is proposing to cut 248 forecasters,” said Richard Hirn, General Counsel and Legislative Director with the NWS Employees Union.

It's a cut that could affect how we get our weather.

“Should the public be concerned about these potential staff cuts? I think the answer is yes because - even though you see things coming down the pipe for days, sometimes weeks in advance - even those last few minutes or hours can make a huge difference on the outcome as to what type of severe weather in this particular case that we may receive," said News 4 Chief Meteorologist Mike Morgan.

Even Trump's most ardent Oklahoma supporters and trailer park communities can live with his GOP-fueled economic policies that benefit corporations, the wealthy and other elites. But going after our weatherman? That may have finally crossed the line. Expect Trump to only secure 55% of the vote in Oklahoma in 2020.

Seriously, what's the man doing? Is he also going to tax red dirt? Instead of cutting costs, he should fine all weathermen – including ones on TV news – for making incorrect forecasts. Then the weather service will pay for itself.

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