The dashing gentleman in the Glamour Shots for Him image is Oklahoma State Senator Ron Sharp. He recently filed SB 899. If passed and signed into law, it will require all Oklahoma teachers to complete "coursework or training on appropriate behavior between students and school employees." Basically, he wants to train teachers how to not sleep with their students.
Here are more details via The Sapulpa Times:
In an effort to stop inappropriate relationships between school employees and students, Sen. Ron Sharp has filed legislation to require professional development training on the issue. Under Senate Bill 899, the training would begin with the 2018-2019 school year and would need to be completed at least once per semester.
That's nice and everything, but while we're at it, can we get Oklahoma lawmakers to take training classes to stop them from having inappropriate relationships with lobbyists, house pages, legislative aides, Uber drivers and 17-year-old male prostitutes? We can call it the Shortey Act.
Also, what about church pastors, youth ministers and bus drivers? It seems like they get in trouble just as much as, if not more than, teachers do. I bet they could use some training, too.
Here's more:
“While the protection and safety of students is the highest priority for most Oklahoma public school personnel, there are those few that need to be periodically reminded of the confidence and responsibility that parents, the school district and state have entrusted in them,” said Sharp, R-Shawnee. “This reminder each semester of the legal and long-term consequences of inappropriate behavior with students will hopefully be enough to deter any temptation.”
The program would include information about the potential penalties associated with being convicted, whether upon a verdict or plea of guilty or upon a plea of nolo contendere, or receiving a suspended sentence or any probationary term for a crime or an attempt to commit a crime of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation against a minor. The training could be provided in person or online.
Listen. I know we can't go a week without some story about some Oklahoma teacher caught doing some inappropriate thing with some student. Hell, even the "good" teachers who are profiled by newspapers and TV news channels end up getting in trouble for things like being too handsy with kids or trying to seduce underage students with nude pics, romantic candles and cat shirts.
But is this really necessary? First of all, teachers are already trained and warned to not have inappropriate relationships with students. When I was an education major back in the day, it's something that was brought up in every class. You were taught to avoid ever being alone with a student in the classroom, and to never be affectionate. Training isn't anything new.
Second, I'd be willing to bet a Glamour Shots photography session that every teacher who's hooked up with a student knows it's illegal and wrong. I don't think special training and friendly reminders that it may ruin their life and career are going to stop them. It just seems like another layer of ineffective bureaucracy dreamed up by a lawmaker who wants to win brownie points with angry constituents.